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About the test:


Covered skills:

  • 逻辑推理
  • 评估
  • 选择
  • 技能评估
  • 工作介绍
  • 情境判断
  • 采访
  • 候选筛查
  • 工作分析

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Talent Acquisition Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist 人才获取专家s

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Talent Acquisition Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • 能够根据他们的技能和资格有效评估候选人
  • 能够进行彻底且结构化的访谈以评估候选人的适合
  • 对工作分析并创建准确的职位描述的强烈理解
  • 通过各种评估方法熟练评估候选人的技能
  • 出色的能力做出客观和公正的选择决策
  • 熟练的候选人筛查以确定合格的候选人
  • 能够对候选人进行全面的技能评估
  • 精通逻辑推理来评估候选人的批判性思维能力
  • 能够在情境场景中做出良好的判断
  • 识别候选人潜力并将其与工作要求相匹配的强大能力
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

View sample questions

The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

这些只是我们库中有10,000多个问题的一个小样本。关于此的实际问题 人才获取测试 将是不可行的.

🧐 Question


Streamlining High-Volume Technical Recruitment
Recruitment Strategy
Technical Assessment
Process Efficiency
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QuantumLeap has recently posted a job listing for a Senior Software Developer role and received an overwhelming response of over 3,000 applications. With the engineering team preoccupied with urgent product development, the HR department must filter through the applications in a manner that ensures a high-quality shortlist without overtaxing the team's limited interviewing capacity. QuantumLeap values innovative problem-solving and coding efficiency, alongside a strong alignment with its proactive and collaborative company culture. 

Given the circumstances, what strategy should the HR team employ to effectively narrow down the candidate pool while maintaining the integrity and equity of the recruitment process?
A: Launch an automated initial screening using AI-powered tools to evaluate technical skills and cultural fit indicators from the resumes, followed by a standardized coding test to further refine the candidate pool.

B: Request candidates to submit a one way video pitching a solution to a common industry problem, providing insights into their communication, problem-solving skills, and creativity, which will be assessed by a panel of HR and select engineering team members.

C: Organize a hackathon event where applicants can participate remotely, solving real-world problems that reflect the job's responsibilities, judged by leading engineers and HR for technical and cultural fit.

D: Develop a remote multi-stage screening assessment starting with a problem-solving test followed by a timed coding test to identify top candidates for the engineering team to interview.

E: Conduct an AI-driven analysis of past projects and coding samples submitted by candidates to predict future performance and cultural fit, with subsequent interviews conducted by HR for the top-scoring candidates.

F: Implement a peer-review system where candidates evaluate each other’s code from a provided challenge, with HR overseeing the process to ensure it aligns with the company's collaborative culture.

G: Initiate a series of technical webinars led by the engineering team, followed by an open Q&A, to gauge interest in the role.

H: Require candidates to complete a comprehensive online course related to the job's tech stack, with a final exam that certifies their proficiency and readiness for the role.


Streamlining Recruitment Metrics
Recruitment Metrics
Data-Driven Decision Making
Strategic Planning
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As the lead HR professional at a growing startup, you are tasked with developing a set of recruitment metrics that will help the company understand the effectiveness of its hiring process and its impact on business outcomes. Considering the need for a balance between efficiency and strategic insight, which combination of metrics would provide the most comprehensive overview without overwhelming the team with data?
A: Source of Hire, Candidate Net Promoter Score, Interview-to-Offer Ratio, New Hire Performance, Diversity of New Hires

B: Applicant Drop-off Rate, Time-to-Productivity, Recruitment Funnel Effectiveness, Cost of Vacancy, Staffing Agency Fees

C: Time-to-Hire, Candidate Experience Rating, Hiring Manager Satisfaction, Employee Lifetime Value, Attrition Rate

D: Time-to-Fill, Quality of Hire, Cost-per-Hire, Offer Acceptance Rate, Employee Turnover Rate

E: Time-to-Fill, Cost-per-Hire, First-Year Attrition, Hiring Velocity, Percentage of Open Positions

F: Hiring Manager Feedback, New Hire Ramp-Up Time, Offer Decline Reasons, Internal Mobility Rate, Training Investment Return

G: Employee Referral Rate, Recruitment Channel Effectiveness, Time-to-Promotion, Interview Scheduling Efficiency, Pre-hire Assessment Accuracy

H: Job Offer Conversion Rate, Post-hire Job Performance, Recruitment Marketing ROI, Candidate Job Fit, Talent Pool Growth


Email on Friday evening
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Emily spent the entire week at a client's site as part of the accounting team. Emily is just about to leave for the weekend, when she notices that there is an email from another small, but growing client that they have been working closely for the past 3 months. Emily has a good professional relationship with Rebecca, who sent the email. Rebecca has a question, which she needs an urgent response to. Answering the question in detail will require Emily to access a number of files in her own office. What should Emily do first?
A: Reply immediately that she needs more information before she can respond in detail, and that she will do it first thing on Monday morning.

B: Rebecca will have gotten an out of office (OOO) response, so she can leave it for now and respond first thing on Monday morning.

C: Call Rebecca to find out by when they need the information. If they need it right away, Emily can go to office, give the required details and provide a more detailed response on Monday.

D: Reply to the email immediately, based on the information Emily has already and assure Rebecca that she will double check and send over a more detailed response first thing on Monday.


Handling Disruption in Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Risk Mitigation
Strategic Planning
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You are the Head of Supply Chain for a large automobile manufacturer. Your supply chain is highly globalized, with key components sourced from various international suppliers. Recently, a significant geopolitical event has caused disruption to the supply of a critical component sourced from a particular region, causing production delays. You need to quickly resolve this issue while also planning for future disruptions. How should you approach this situation?
A: Find a local supplier for the critical component, regardless of cost and quality.
B: Stockpile components to mitigate future disruptions.
C: Invest in developing the component in-house, regardless of the time and resources it may take.
D: Lobby with government bodies to prioritize your company's needs.
E: Seek alternative international suppliers, renegotiate contracts with a risk mitigation clause, and invest in dual sourcing for critical components.
F: Shift the burden to the production department to figure out how to handle the component shortage.
G: Initiate legal action against the current supplier for not fulfilling their contract.


Interpersonal Skill in Team Management
Conflict Resolution
Emotional Intelligence
Decision Making
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You are the team leader of a project team in a software development company. Your team consists of experienced and talented individuals. However, two of your team members, Alice and Bob, are frequently having disagreements, which is affecting the team's morale and overall productivity. The disagreements seem to stem from a clash in their working styles. Alice is very detail-oriented and likes to plan ahead while Bob is more spontaneous and likes to tackle problems as they come. You need to address this issue to ensure the project deadlines are met. What approach would you take?
A: They are both adults, wait for them to fix the issue by themselves. 
B: Pick the more competent team member's side and ask the other team member to adjust.
C: Have a private conversation with both Alice and Bob separately, to give feedback on their behaviors.
D: Organize team-building activities to improve team dynamics.
E: Report the situation to your manager and ask for their advice.
F: Terminate the less competent team member from the project team, and move them to another project.
G: Organize a meeting with both Alice and Bob, facilitating a discussion where they understand each other's perspectives and find a middle ground.


The Discrepancy
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You are a data analyst for a marketing agency. While reviewing the quarterly reports, you notice a discrepancy in the sales data for a major client. The total sales for the quarter, as per the report, are $200,000. However, when you add up the monthly sales data given in the same report, the total is $210,000. The senior analyst is already preparing to present this report to the client. What is your next step?
A: Immediately inform the senior analyst about the discrepancy and offer to recalculate all the data.
B: Assume it's a minor mistake and ignore it, focusing on your other tasks.
C: Cross-verify the data with the original data source before bringing it to the attention of the senior analyst.
D: Prepare an amended report and replace the existing report without informing anyone.
E: Inform the IT department about the potential data integrity issue.
F: Talk to the person who prepared the report about the discrepancy.
G: Submit a report to the senior management detailing the discrepancy.


The Medical Mix-Up
Patient Safety
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Sarah, a hospital administrator, was reviewing the medication administration records of patients. She came across a patient, Mr. Brown, who was reported to have an allergy to Penicillin. However, she noticed that the same patient was prescribed Amoxicillin for a bacterial infection. Knowing that both Penicillin and Amoxicillin are from the same drug family - beta-lactams, she should:
A: Assume the doctor knows best and ignore
B: Change the medication herself to a non-beta lactam drug
C: Contact the pharmacy to change the drug
D: Speak with the prescribing physician about the discrepancy
E: Consult the nurse who administered the medication
F: Immediately call the patient's family to inform them of the mistake
G: Report the case to a medical malpractice lawyer


Tennis Players
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A tennis coach was trying to put together a team of 4 players for a tennis championship out of 7 players. R, S, T are the male players, and W, X, Y, Z are the female players. Note that all players have equal ability, and the team needs to have atleast 2 male players. While selecting the team we need to keep in mind that all 4 players should be able to play with each other. 
We also need to keep the following restrictions in mind:
- R cannot play with Y
- S cannot play with W
- T cannot play with Z
Which of the following are true:

A: S and Z cannot be in the team together.
B: T and Y cannot be in the team together.
C: T and X cannot be in the team together.


CID Agent
Logical Deduction
Pattern Recognition
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A code ("EIG AUC REO RAI COG") was sent to the criminal office by a CID agent named Batra.  However, four of the five words are fake, with only one containing the information. They also included a clue in the form of a sentence: "If I tell you any character of the code word, you will be able to tell how many vowels there are in the code word." Are you able to figure out what the code word is?
F: None


Positive correlation
Correlation vs. Causation
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Myra is working on her thesis for which she created a scatter plot of the number of teachers and the number of college graduates for cities in Australia. She noticed a positive correlation. Which of these do you think is the probable explanation for this correlation?
A: Teachers encourage people to go to college, so an increase in the number of teachers leads to an increase in the number of college graduates. 

B: Some college graduates choose teaching as a profession after graduating, so an increase in the number of college graduates also leads to an increase in the number of teachers.

C: There are more college graduates and teachers in higher income cities, so income is a confounding variable here, make it difficult to prove causation between number of teachers and number of college graduates. 

D: Cities with a higher population have more teachers and more college graduates, so the correlation is due to a third variable (population of city).

E: The provided data is insufficient, so it is extremely difficult to establish the reason for the correlation.

F: Most college students choose non-teaching professions after graduating, which explains the correlation. 

G: In Australia, college students are encouraged by their teachers to choose teaching as a profession after graduating.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Streamlining High-Volume Technical Recruitment
Recruitment Strategy
Technical Assessment
Process Efficiency

2 mins

Talent Acquisition
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Streamlining Recruitment Metrics
Recruitment Metrics
Data-Driven Decision Making
Strategic Planning

2 mins

Talent Acquisition
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Email on Friday evening

2 mins

Situational Judgement
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Handling Disruption in Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Risk Mitigation
Strategic Planning

2 mins

Situational Judgement
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Interpersonal Skill in Team Management
Conflict Resolution
Emotional Intelligence
Decision Making

2 mins

Situational Judgement
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The Discrepancy

2 mins

Situational Judgement
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The Medical Mix-Up
Patient Safety

2 mins

Situational Judgement
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Tennis Players

3 mins

Logical Reasoning
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CID Agent
Logical Deduction
Pattern Recognition

3 mins

Logical Reasoning
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Positive correlation
Correlation vs. Causation

2 mins

Logical Reasoning
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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Streamlining High-Volume Technical Recruitment
Recruitment Strategy
Technical Assessment
Process Efficiency
Talent Acquisition
Medium2 mins
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Streamlining Recruitment Metrics
Recruitment Metrics
Data-Driven Decision Making
Strategic Planning
Talent Acquisition
Easy2 mins
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Email on Friday evening
Situational Judgement
Medium2 mins
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Handling Disruption in Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Risk Mitigation
Strategic Planning
Situational Judgement
Medium2 mins
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Interpersonal Skill in Team Management
Conflict Resolution
Emotional Intelligence
Decision Making
Situational Judgement
Medium2 mins
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The Discrepancy
Situational Judgement
Easy2 mins
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The Medical Mix-Up
Patient Safety
Situational Judgement
Medium2 mins
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Tennis Players
Logical Reasoning
Medium3 mins
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CID Agent
Logical Deduction
Pattern Recognition
Logical Reasoning
Hard3 mins
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Positive correlation
Correlation vs. Causation
Logical Reasoning
Medium2 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

借助 Adaface,我们能够将初步筛选流程优化达 75% 以上,为招聘经理和我们的人才招聘团队节省了宝贵的时间!

Brandon Lee, 人事主管, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment 人才获取测试 in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the 人才获取测试 from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

Learn more

About the Talent Acquisition Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Talent Acquisition Test?

The 人才获取测试 makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • 识别和评估人才
  • 进行访谈和评估
  • 分析工作要求和描述
  • 评估候选技能和资格
  • 实施有效的选择策略
  • 筛选恢复和应用
  • 进行工作分析以进行准确评估
  • 利用情境判断测试
  • 在决策中应用逻辑推理
  • 评估候选人适合该角色

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Talent Acquisition Test?

  • 逻辑推理


  • 情境判断


  • 评估


  • 面试


  • 选择


  • 候选人筛查


  • 技能评估</p>


  • 工作分析


  • 职位描述


  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for 人才获取测试 to be based on.

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What roles can I use the Talent Acquisition Test for?

  • 人才获取专家
  • 招聘人员
  • 人力资源协调员
  • 猎头者
  • 人员配备专家
  • 采购专家

How is the Talent Acquisition Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • 管理技能评估测试
  • 向候选人提供建设性的反馈
  • 制定有效的面试问题
  • 设计公平,公正的评估过程
  • 了解工作评估的原则
  • 确保遵守招聘法规
  • 将选择方法适应不同的角色
  • 识别和减轻选择的偏见
  • 将统计分析应用于候选数据
  • 利用技术进行有效的人才获取
Singapore government logo

招聘经理认为,通过小组面试中提出的技术问题,他们能够判断哪些候选人得分更高,并与得分较差的候选人区分开来。他们是 非常满意 通过 Adaface 筛选入围的候选人的质量。


Talent Acquisition Hiring Test 常见问题解答





  • 不可解决的问题
  • IP策略
  • Web Protoring
  • 网络摄像头Proctoring
  • 窃检测
  • 安全浏览器







是的,这使您比较候选人变得容易得多。 MCQ问题的选项和问题顺序是随机的。我们有[抗欺骗/策略](功能。在我们的企业计划中,我们还可以选择使用类似难度级别的问题创建多个版本的相同评估。







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