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About the test:

O teste de redes neurais avalia o conhecimento e a compreensão de um candidato sobre redes neurais, aprendizado profundo, aprendizado de máquina, python, ciência de dados e numpy. Inclui perguntas de múltipla escolha para avaliar o conhecimento teórico e as perguntas de codificação para avaliar as habilidades de programação no Python.

Covered skills:

  • Redes neurais profundas
  • Aprendizado de máquina
  • Ciência dos dados
  • Redes neurais rasas
  • Aprendizado profundo
  • Pitão
  • Numpy

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Neural Networks Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist Cientista de dadoss

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Neural Networks Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Compreendendo o básico das redes neurais
  • Capacidade de implementar redes neurais superficiais
  • Conhecimento da arquitetura de redes neurais profundas
  • Proficiência em conceitos de aprendizado profundo
  • Compreensão dos algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina
  • Capacidade de escrever código Python para redes neurais
  • Familiaridade com os princípios da ciência de dados
  • Proficiência em Numpy para manipulação de dados
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

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The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

Estes são apenas uma pequena amostra da nossa biblioteca de mais de 10.000 perguntas. As perguntas reais sobre isso Teste de redes neurais será não-googleable.

🧐 Question


Changed decision boundary
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We have trained a model on a linearly separable training set to classify the data points into 2 sets (binary classification). Our intern recently labelled some new data points which are all correctly classified by the model. All of the new data points lie far away from the decision boundary. We added these new data points and re-trained our model- our decision boundary changed. Which of these models do you think we could be working with?
The 2 data sources use SQL Server and have a 3-character CompanyCode column. Both data sources contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the data by CompanyCode in ascending order. 

Teylor wants to make sure that the Merge Join transformation works without additional transformations. What would you recommend?
A: Perceptron
C: Logistic regression
D: Guassion discriminant analysis


CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization
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You are fine-tuning a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification. The network architecture is as follows:
The model is trained using the following parameters:

- Batch size: 64
- Learning rate: 0.001
- Optimizer: Adam
- Loss function: Categorical cross-entropy

After several training epochs, you observe that the training accuracy is high, but the validation accuracy plateaus and is significantly lower. This suggests possible overfitting. Which of the following adjustments would most effectively mitigate this issue without overly compromising the model's performance?
A: Increase the batch size to 128
B: Add dropout layers with a dropout rate of 0.5 after each MaxPooling2D layer
C: Replace Adam optimizer with SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent)
D: Decrease the number of filters in each Conv2D layer by half
E: Increase the learning rate to 0.01
F: Reduce the size of the Dense layer to 64 units


CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets
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You are fine-tuning a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for an image classification task where the dataset is highly imbalanced. The majority class comprises 70% of the data. The initial model setup and subsequent experiments yield the following observations:

**Initial Setup:**

- CNN architecture: 6 convolutional layers with increasing filter sizes, followed by 2 fully connected layers.
- Activation function: ReLU
- No class-weighting or data augmentation.
- Results: High overall accuracy, but poor precision and recall for minority classes.

**Experiment 1:**

- Changes: Implement class-weighting to penalize mistakes on minority classes more heavily.
- Results: Improved precision and recall for minority classes, but overall accuracy slightly decreased.

**Experiment 2:**

- Changes: Add dropout layers with a rate of 0.5 after each convolutional layer.
- Results: Overall accuracy decreased, and no significant change in precision and recall for minority classes.

Given these outcomes, what is the most effective strategy to further improve the model's performance specifically for the minority classes without compromising the overall accuracy?
A: Increase the dropout rate to 0.7
B: Further fine-tune class-weighting parameters
C: Increase the number of filters in the convolutional layers
D: Add batch normalization layers after each convolutional layer
E: Use a different activation function like LeakyReLU
F: Implement more aggressive data augmentation on the minority class


Gradient descent optimization
Gradient Descent
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You are working on a regression problem using a simple neural network. You want to optimize the model's weights using gradient descent with different learning rate schedules. Consider the following pseudo code for training the neural network:
Which of the following learning rate schedules would most likely result in the fastest convergence without overshooting the optimal weights?

A: Constant learning rate of 0.01
B: Exponential decay with initial learning rate of 0.1 and decay rate of 0.99
C: Exponential decay with initial learning rate of 0.01 and decay rate of 0.99
D: Step decay with initial learning rate of 0.1 and decay rate of 0.5 every 100 epochs
E: Step decay with initial learning rate of 0.01 and decay rate of 0.5 every 100 epochs
F: Constant learning rate of 0.1


Less complex decision tree model
Model Complexity
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You are given a dataset to solve a classification problem using a decision tree algorithm. You are concerned about overfitting and decide to implement pruning to control the model's complexity. Consider the following pseudo code for creating the decision tree model:
Which of the following combinations of parameters would result in a less complex decision tree model, reducing the risk of overfitting?

A: max_depth=5, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1
B: max_depth=None, min_samples_split=5, min_samples_leaf=5
C: max_depth=3, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1
D: max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1
E: max_depth=3, min_samples_split=10, min_samples_leaf=10
F; max_depth=5, min_samples_split=5, min_samples_leaf=5


n-gram generator
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Our newest machine learning developer want to write a function to calculate the n-gram of any text. An N-gram means a sequence of N words. So for example, "black cats" is a 2-gram, "saw black cats" is a 3-gram etc. The 2-gram of the sentence "the big bad wolf fell down" would be [["the", "big"], ["big", "bad"], ["bad", "wolf"], ["wolf", "fell"], ["fell", "down"]]. Can you help them select the correct function for the same?


Recommendation System Selection
Recommender Systems
Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering
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You are tasked with building a recommendation system for a newly launched e-commerce website. Given that the website is new, there is not much user interaction data available. Also, the items in the catalog have rich descriptions. Based on these requirements, which type of recommendation system approach would be the most suitable for this task?


Sensitivity and Specificity
Confusion Matrix
Model Evaluation
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You have trained a supervised learning model to classify customer reviews as either "positive" or "negative" based on a dataset with 10,000 samples and 35 features, including the review text, reviewer's name, and rating. The dataset is split into a 7,000-sample training set and a 3,000-sample test set.

After training the model, you evaluate its performance using a confusion matrix on the test set, which shows the following results:
Based on the confusion matrix, what are the sensitivity and specificity of the model?


ZeroDivisionError and IndexError
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What will the following Python code output?


File Handling
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The function high_sess should compute the highest number of events per session of each user in the database by reading a comma-separated value input file of session data. The result should be returned from the function as a dictionary. The first column of each line in the input file is expected to contain the user’s name represented as a string. The second column is expected to contain an integer representing the events in a session. Here is an example input file:
Your program should ignore a non-conforming line like this one.
The resulting return value for this file should be the following dictionary: { 'Stark':12, 'Black':25, 'Tony':10, 'Widow':14 }
What should replace the CODE TO FILL line to complete the function?


Max Code
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Below are code lines to create a Python function. Ignoring indentation, what lines should be used and in what order for the following function to be complete:


Recursive Function
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Consider the following Python code:
In the above code, recursive_search is a function that takes a dictionary (data) and a target key (target) as arguments. It searches for the target key within the dictionary, which could potentially have nested dictionaries and lists as values, and returns the value associated with the target key. If the target key is not found, it returns None.

nested_dict is a dictionary that contains multiple levels of nested dictionaries and lists. The recursive_search function is then called with nested_dict as the data and 'target_key' as the target.

What will the output be after executing the above code?


Stacking problem
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What does the below function ‘fun’ does?
A: Sum of digits of the number passed to fun.
B: Number of digits of the number passed to fun.
C: 0 if the number passed to fun is divisible by 10. 1 otherwise.
D: Sum of all digits number passed to fun except for the last digit.


Array Manipulation and Summation
Array Manipulation
Mathematical Operations
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Consider the following code snippet:
What will be the value of G after executing the code?


Matrix Eigenvalues and Diagonalization
Linear Algebra
Matrix Operations
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Consider the following code snippet:
After running this code, which of the following statements is true regarding the B matrix?
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Changed decision boundary

2 mins

Deep Learning
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CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization

3 mins

Deep Learning
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CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets

3 mins

Deep Learning
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Gradient descent optimization
Gradient Descent

2 mins

Machine Learning
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Less complex decision tree model
Model Complexity

2 mins

Machine Learning
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n-gram generator

2 mins

Machine Learning
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Recommendation System Selection
Recommender Systems
Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering

2 mins

Machine Learning
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Sensitivity and Specificity
Confusion Matrix
Model Evaluation

2 mins

Machine Learning
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ZeroDivisionError and IndexError

2 mins

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File Handling

2 mins

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Max Code

2 mins

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Recursive Function

3 mins

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Stacking problem

4 mins

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Array Manipulation and Summation
Array Manipulation
Mathematical Operations

2 mins

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Matrix Eigenvalues and Diagonalization
Linear Algebra
Matrix Operations

3 mins

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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Changed decision boundary
Deep Learning
Medium2 mins
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CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization
Deep Learning
Medium3 mins
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CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets
Deep Learning
Medium3 mins
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Gradient descent optimization
Gradient Descent
Machine Learning
Easy2 mins
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Less complex decision tree model
Model Complexity
Machine Learning
Medium2 mins
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n-gram generator
Machine Learning
Easy2 mins
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Recommendation System Selection
Recommender Systems
Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering
Machine Learning
Easy2 mins
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Sensitivity and Specificity
Confusion Matrix
Model Evaluation
Machine Learning
Easy2 mins
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ZeroDivisionError and IndexError
Medium2 mins
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File Handling
Medium2 mins
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Max Code
Medium2 mins
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Recursive Function
Medium3 mins
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Stacking problem
Medium4 mins
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Array Manipulation and Summation
Array Manipulation
Mathematical Operations
Medium2 mins
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Matrix Eigenvalues and Diagonalization
Linear Algebra
Matrix Operations
Medium3 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Com o Adaface, conseguimos otimizar nosso processo de seleção inicial em mais de 75%, liberando um tempo precioso tanto para os gerentes de contratação quanto para nossa equipe de aquisição de talentos!

Brandon Lee, Chefe de Pessoas, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment Teste de redes neurais in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the Teste de redes neurais from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

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About the Neural Networks Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Neural Networks Test?

The Teste de redes neurais makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • Compreendendo o básico das redes neurais
  • Implementando redes neurais rasas
  • Construindo redes neurais profundas
  • Aplicando princípios de aprendizado profundo
  • Criando modelos de aprendizado de máquina
  • Usando Python para redes neurais
  • Aplicando conceitos de ciência de dados
  • Trabalhando com matrizes Numpy
  • Implementando otimizações de redes neurais
  • Aplicando técnicas avançadas de aprendizado profundo

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Neural Networks Test?

  • Numpy

    Numpy é uma biblioteca fundamental em Python para computação numérica e manuseio eficiente de grandes matrizes e matrizes multidimensionais. Essa habilidade mede a proficiência do candidato na utilização do Numpy para operações matemáticas, álgebra linear e tarefas de manipulação de dados, que são cruciais na construção e treinamento de redes neurais.

  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for Teste de redes neurais to be based on.

    Funções de ativação
    Processo de feedforward
    Algoritmo de backpropagation
    Gradiente descendente
    Funções de custo
    Técnicas de regularização
    Redes neurais convolucionais (CNN)
    Redes neurais recorrentes (RNN)
    Memória de longo prazo de longo prazo (LSTM)
    Redes de crenças profundas (DBN)
    Redes adversárias generativas (GAN)
    Regularização de abandono
    Transferência de aprendizado
    Ajuste hiperparâmetro
    Reconhecimento de imagem
    Processamento de linguagem natural (NLP)
    Detecção de objetos
    Excedente de ajuste e subjuste
    Máquinas vetoriais de suporte (SVM)
    Árvores de decisão
    Florestas aleatórias
    Vizinhos mais antigos (K-NN)
    Regressão linear
    Regressão logística
    cluster de k-means
    Análise de componentes principais (PCA)
    Métricas de avaliação
    Validação cruzada
    Codificação única
    Limpeza de dados
    Pré -processamento de dados
    Biblioteca Scikit-Learn
    Biblioteca Pandas
    Biblioteca Matplotlib
    Visualização de dados
    Análise de dados
    Sintaxe Python
    Declarações condicionais
    Manipulação da lista
    Manipulação de string
    Manipulação de arquivos
    Manipulação de exceção
    Módulos de importação
    Arrays numpy
    Manipulação da matriz
    Indexação e corte
    Operações da matriz
    Álgebra Linear
    Funções estatísticas
    Tipo de dados Conversão
    Geração de números aleatórios
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What roles can I use the Neural Networks Test for?

  • Cientista de dados
  • Engenheiro de aprendizado de máquina
  • Pesquisador de IA
  • Analista de informações
  • Desenvolvedor Python
  • Engenheiro de dados
  • Especialista em inteligência artificial
  • Pesquisa científica
  • Engenheiro de big data
  • Engenheiro de software

How is the Neural Networks Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • Utilizando algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina
  • Usando bibliotecas Python para redes neurais
  • Aplicando conceitos matemáticos em aprendizado profundo
  • Implementando arquiteturas de redes neurais
  • Analisar e visualizar resultados de redes neurais
  • Aplicando redes neurais em cenários do mundo real
  • Entendendo as técnicas de regularização de redes neurais
  • Otimizando as redes neurais hiperparâmetros
  • Aplicando o aprendizado de transferência em aprendizado profundo
  • Projeto e treinamento de redes adversárias generativas
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Os gerentes de contratação sentiram que, por meio das perguntas técnicas feitas durante as entrevistas do painel, foram capazes de dizer quais candidatos tiveram melhores pontuações e diferenciaram aqueles que não tiveram pontuações tão boas. Eles são altamente satisfeito com a qualidade dos candidatos selecionados na triagem Adaface.

Redução no tempo de triagem

Neural Networks Hiring Test Perguntas frequentes

Posso combinar várias habilidades em uma avaliação personalizada?

Sim absolutamente. As avaliações personalizadas são configuradas com base na descrição do seu trabalho e incluirão perguntas sobre todas as habilidades obrigatórias que você especificar.

Você tem algum recurso anti-trapaça ou procurador?

Temos os seguintes recursos anti-trapaça:

  • Perguntas não-goleadas
  • IP Proctoring
  • Web Proctoring
  • Proctoring da webcam
  • Detecção de plágio
  • navegador seguro

Leia mais sobre os Recursos de Proctoring.

Como interpreto as pontuações dos testes?

O principal a ter em mente é que uma avaliação é uma ferramenta de eliminação, não uma ferramenta de seleção. Uma avaliação de habilidades é otimizada para ajudá -lo a eliminar os candidatos que não são tecnicamente qualificados para o papel, não é otimizado para ajudá -lo a encontrar o melhor candidato para o papel. Portanto, a maneira ideal de usar uma avaliação é decidir uma pontuação limite (normalmente 55%, ajudamos você a comparar) e convidar todos os candidatos que pontuam acima do limiar para as próximas rodadas da entrevista.

Para que nível de experiência posso usar este teste?

Cada avaliação do Adaface é personalizada para a descrição do seu trabalho/ persona do candidato ideal (nossos especialistas no assunto escolherão as perguntas certas para sua avaliação de nossa biblioteca de mais de 10000 perguntas). Esta avaliação pode ser personalizada para qualquer nível de experiência.

Todo candidato recebe as mesmas perguntas?

Sim, facilita muito a comparação de candidatos. As opções para perguntas do MCQ e a ordem das perguntas são randomizadas. Recursos anti-traking/proctoring no local. Em nosso plano corporativo, também temos a opção de criar várias versões da mesma avaliação com questões de níveis de dificuldade semelhantes.

Eu sou um candidato. Posso tentar um teste de prática?

Não. Infelizmente, não apoiamos os testes práticos no momento. No entanto, você pode usar nossas perguntas de amostra para prática.

Qual é o custo de usar este teste?

Você pode conferir nossos planos de preços.

Posso obter uma avaliação gratuita?

Sim, você pode se inscrever gratuitamente e visualizar este teste.

Acabei de me mudar para um plano pago. Como posso solicitar uma avaliação personalizada?

Aqui está um guia rápido sobre Como solicitar uma avaliação personalizada no Adaface.

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