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Online Assessment Platform

Screen candidates for all your roles with the Adaface online assessment platform

Incredibly accurate screening tests

Evaluate coding, aptitude, psychometric and 500+ skills using conversational assessments.

Adaface tests are trusted by recruitment teams globally

Amazon Morgan Stanley Vodafone United Nations HCL PayPal Bosch WeWork Optimum Solutions Deloitte Microsoft NCS Doubtnut Sokrati J&T Express Capegemini

500+ skills. 40 min tests.

Screen candidates for all your roles with our ready-to-use tests.

Friendly candidate experience

Our friendly chatbot guides your candidates through the assessment.

Automated scorecards

Detailed breakdown of each candidate's performance & industry benchmarks.

Advanced proctoring

Proctoring features enable you to confidently administer online assessments.

love bonito

With Adaface, we were able to optimise our initial screening process by upwards of 75%, freeing up precious time for both hiring managers and our talent acquisition team alike!

Brandon Lee, Head of People, Love, Bonito


Screen candidates with online assessment platform

1-click invites

Bulk invites.
Email invites.
Public links.
ATS invites.

Ready-to-use tests

Upload questions.
Monitor test health.
Mix and match skills.
Email notifications.

Advanced proctoring suite

IP proctoring.
Web proctoring.
Webcam proctoring.
Non-googleable questions.

Automated scorecards

Skills profile.
Coding evaluation.
Comparative analysis.
Industry benchmarks.
ATS and email alerts.

ATS integrations

Custom API.

Non-googleable questions

Use questions that test for core fundamentals & on-the-job skills for accurate shortlisting. Here are a few sample Adaface questions:

Enterprise grade software

Learn more ->
GDPR compliant
EEOC compliant
Custom tests
Custom branding
Advanced proctoring
Campus hiring support
Role based access
ATS integrations
Reporting and analytics
Help center
Chat support
Priority support
Have questions about the Adaface platform?
Have questions about the Adaface platform?


What is online assessment platform/software?

An online assessment platform enables recruitment teams to administer online pre-employment tests to evaluate candidates for particular skills, review their scores and decide which candidates to move to the next steps of the hiring process.

What is the importance of online assessment in recruitment?

Online assessments enable recruiters to quickly screen candidates for on-the-job skills at the first step of the hiring process, so that only qualified candidates are invited to interviews.
40 min tests.
No trick questions.
Accurate shortlisting.
● Online
Score: NA