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About the test:

De online test van het softwaresysteemontwerp maakt gebruik van scenario-gebaseerde MCQ's om kandidaten te evalueren op hun vaardigheid bij het ontwerpen van softwaresystemen die voldoen aan functionele en niet-functionele vereisten. De test beoordeelt het vermogen van kandidaten om systeemvereisten te identificeren, de juiste architecturen en ontwerppatronen te kiezen en ontwerpspecificaties op hoog niveau te creëren. Het richt zich op databaseontwerp, datamodellering, systeemintegratie, beveiliging, prestatie -optimalisatie en kwaliteitsborging.

Covered skills:

  • Systeem ontwerp
  • Netwerkprotocollen
  • Gedistribueerde systemen
  • Prestatie -optimalisatie
  • Algoritme en gegevensstructuren
  • Database -ontwerp
  • Cloud computing
  • Microservices -architectuur

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface System Design Test is the most accurate way to shortlist Software ontwikkelaars

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The System Design Online Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • In staat om schaalbare en efficiënte systeemarchitecturen te ontwerpen
  • In staat om prestaties te analyseren en te optimaliseren in gedistribueerde systemen
  • Bekwaam in het ontwerpen en implementeren van databaseschema's
  • Bekwaam in het begrijpen en gebruiken van netwerkprotocollen
  • Expertise in cloud computing -technologieën en concepten
  • Kennis in de principes van microservices architectuur
  • In staat om algoritmen en gegevensstructuren toe te passen om complexe problemen op te lossen
  • In staat om prestaties te optimaliseren in systeemontwerp
  • Ervaring met het werken met grootschalige gedistribueerde systemen
  • Bekwaam in het ontwerpen van fouttolerante en zeer beschikbare systemen
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

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The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

Dit zijn slechts een klein monster uit onze bibliotheek met meer dan 10.000 vragen. De werkelijke vragen hierover Softwaresysteemontwerp Online test zal niet-googelbaar zijn.

🧐 Question


Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance
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Consider a distributed e-commerce platform designed to handle high traffic volumes and ensure data consistency across its services. The platform uses a distributed database that replicates data across multiple nodes to increase availability and performance. To balance the load, it employs a load balancer that distributes user requests evenly across these nodes. The system is designed to tolerate the failure of up to two nodes without affecting the platform's overall availability.

Given the critical requirement for strong consistency to prevent issues such as overselling of products, the system uses a consensus algorithm for replication. The database is configured with a replication factor of 5, meaning each piece of data is stored on 5 nodes. For read and write operations to be considered successful, they must be acknowledged by a majority of the nodes involved in the operation.

Assuming all nodes have equal hardware resources and network latency between nodes is negligible, which of the following configurations would best meet the platform's requirements for high availability, performance, and strong consistency?
A: Reads require acknowledgment from 2 nodes, and writes require acknowledgment from 4 nodes.
B: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 3 nodes.
C: Reads require acknowledgment from 3 nodes, and writes require acknowledgment from 2 nodes.
D: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 4 nodes.
E: Reads require acknowledgment from 1 node, and writes require acknowledgment from 5 nodes.
F: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 5 nodes.


Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates
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TransitTrack is a logistics company that needs to store real-time location data (latitude, longitude) of their vehicles as they move across the city. The system should be optimized for fast read and write operations to provide real-time tracking. TransitTrack can tolerate occasional data loss since the vehicle locations are updated frequently. Which of the following data storage solutions should TransitTrack implement for their vehicle tracking system?
A: Utilize a relational database management system (RDBMS) like PostgreSQL with a table indexed on the vehicle_id column for efficient data insertion and retrieval.
B: Implement an in-memory cache like Redis to store the vehicle location data, with the vehicle_id as the key and the latitude-longitude pair as the value.
C: Use a document-oriented database like MongoDB to store the vehicle location data as GeoJSON documents, enabling geospatial querying capabilities.
D: Develop a custom in-memory data structure using a spatial indexing technique like an R-tree to store and query the vehicle location data efficiently.
E: Use a time-series database like InfluxDB to store the vehicle location data along with timestamps, allowing for efficient querying and analysis of historical location data.


Session stickiness with ELB
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Johnny Bravo is setting up a new e-commerce store for men's clothing. He set up session stickiness with ELB. But he does not want ELB to manage the cookie, he wants the application to manage the cookie. When the server instance, which is bound to a cookie, crashes what do you expect will happen?
A: ELB will throw an error due to cookie unavailability
B: The response will have a cookie but stickiness will be deleted
C: The session will be sticky and ELB will route requests to another server as ELB keeps replicating the Cookie
D: The session will not be sticky until a new cookie is inserted


Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design
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Imagine you’re a developer at Songbird Inc, working on a music editing app for mobile devices. The app allows users to edit audio clips and export them in various audio formats. Once a user finishes editing a clip, they can choose an output format and initiate the encoding process. This encoding process can take a while depending on the chosen format and the length of the clip. Because it’s a mobile app, you want to avoid freezing the UI while encoding is in progress.

What’s the most appropriate approach to notify the user when the encoding is complete and the exported file is ready?
A: Directly modify the UI elements from within the encoding logic. When encoding finishes, the encoding system can directly tell the UI components to update themselves with the new information (e.g., change a button text to “Export Complete”).
B: Separate the UI update logic from the encoding process. The encoding system should trigger a custom event (e.g., “EncodingFinishedEvent”) upon completion. UI components can listen for this event and update themselves accordingly when it’s received.
C:  Have the UI code continuously check on the encoding status with a loop (often referred to as busy waiting or polling). The loop would keep checking a flag or variable set by the encoding system until the encoding is complete. Once complete, the UI can update itself.
D:  Introduce a central message queue or event bus. The encoding system can publish a message to the message queue upon finishing the task. Separate UI update logic would be subscribed to the queue, listening for relevant messages. When it receives the message about encoding completion, it can update the UI.
E: Let the encoding logic return a callback function to the UI layer when it’s initiated. Once encoding is finished, the encoding system calls back this function, allowing the UI to update itself.


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What does the following pseudo code print?


Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code
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Here are three pseudocodes for calculating the Nth Fibonacci number. Which of the following statements about these codes are true?
A: Time complexity/efficiency of CODE 1, CODE 2, CODE 3 is the same.
B: CODE 2 is more space-efficient than CODE 3.
C: CODE 3 is more space-efficient than CODE 2.
D: CODE 2 is more time-efficient than CODE 1.
E: CODE 3 is more time-efficient than CODE 1.


Palindrome Test cases
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Go through the following faulty palindrome detection pseudocode and test cases. For which of the test cases would the code return true?
A: a
B: aba
C: aaa
D: aac


Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection
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A new popular app tracks the activities performed by its users and grants them rewards based on each individual's total activities performed in a year. This data is maintained in a database table (activitesinfo), with the following columns: userid, totalactivities, reward. This year, due to fundraising activity, the company has decided to further reward its users by enhancing the reward as per the following formula: If reward < = 4000, increase it by 2%, If 4000 < reward <= 8000, increase it by 4%, If reward > 8000, increase it by 6%.
The tech team has written three different scripts to calculate increment for each slab, each script is to run as a separate transaction. Here are the three scripts:
Script 1:
For users with reward <= 4000, set reward = reward * 1.02

Script 2:
For users with reward > 4000 and reward <= 8000, set reward = reward * 1.04

Script 3:
For users with reward > 8000, set reward = reward * 1.06
Each script is to be executed separately. Which of the following options will update the rewards as expected:
A: Execute Script 1 followed by Script 2 followed by Script 3
B: Execute Script 2 followed by Script 3; Script 1 running concurrently throughout
C: Execute Script 3 followed by Script 2; Script 1 running concurrently throughout
D: Execute Script 3 followed by Script 2 followed by Script 1
E: Execute Script 2 followed by Script 3 followed by Script 1


Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis
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Consider the following pseudo code implementing a specific graph traversal algorithm:
What is the order in which the nodes are processed, and which data structure best represents the graph `G` for efficient traversal?


Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling
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You are tasked with implementing the "Back" button functionality in a web browser. This feature allows users to return to previously visited web pages in the order they were viewed. The browser maintains a history of URLs in a data structure. Considering the nature of web browsing, where users can go back multiple steps and then navigate to a new page (at which point the future history should be cleared), which data structure and algorithm would best implement this functionality?
A: Use a heap, add the current URL when navigating to a new page, and remove the top element when the back button is used.
B: Use a queue, enqueue the current URL when navigating to a new page, and dequeue when the back button is used.
C: Use a single stack, push the current URL when navigating to a new page, and pop when the back button is used.
D: Use an array, add the current URL to the end when navigating to a new page, and remove the last URL when the back button is used.
E: Use a linked list, add the current URL to the head when navigating to a new page, and move backwards when the back button is used.
F: Use two stacks, push the current URL to the first stack when navigating to a new page, and use the second stack to store the pages when the back button is used.


Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal
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Consider a singly linked list where each node contains an integer value. Write a function `removeElement` that removes all occurrences of a specific value from the linked list. The function should return the head of the modified linked list.

Pseudo code:
What will be the content of the linked list referred to by `result` after executing the above pseudo code?
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance

2 mins

System Design
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Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates

2 mins

System Design
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Session stickiness with ELB

2 mins

System Design
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Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design

2 mins

System Design
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2 mins

Technical Aptitude
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Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code

2 mins

Technical Aptitude
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Palindrome Test cases

2 mins

Technical Aptitude
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Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection

3 mins

Technical Aptitude
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Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis

3 mins

Data Structures
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Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling

2 mins

Data Structures
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Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal

2 mins

Data Structures
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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance
System Design
Medium2 mins
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Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates
System Design
Easy2 mins
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Session stickiness with ELB
System Design
Medium2 mins
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Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design
System Design
Medium2 mins
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Technical Aptitude
Medium2 mins
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Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code
Technical Aptitude
Hard2 mins
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Palindrome Test cases
Technical Aptitude
Hard2 mins
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Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection
Technical Aptitude
Medium3 mins
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Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis
Data Structures
Hard3 mins
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Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling
Data Structures
Medium2 mins
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Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal
Data Structures
Easy2 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Met Adaface konden we ons eerste screeningproces met ruim 75% optimaliseren, waardoor kostbare tijd vrijkwam voor zowel de rekruteringsmanagers als ons talentacquisitieteam!

Brandon Lee, Hoofd Mensen, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment Softwaresysteemontwerp Online test in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the Softwaresysteemontwerp Online test from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

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About the System Design Assessment Test

Why you should use Pre-employment System Design Online Test?

The Softwaresysteemontwerp Online test makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • Vaardigheid in systeemontwerpconcepten en principes
  • Mogelijkheid om schaalbare en gedistribueerde systemen te ontwerpen
  • Kennis van verschillende netwerkprotocollen en hun implementatie
  • Ervaring met database -ontwerp- en optimalisatietechnieken
  • Bekendheid met cloud computing -platforms en -services
  • Sterk begrip van algoritmen en gegevensstructuren
  • Expertise in prestatie -optimalisatie en afstemming
  • Hands-on ervaring met microservices-architectuur
  • Begrip van gedistribueerde systemen en hun uitdagingen
  • Diepgaande kennis van systeembeveiliging en bescherming tegen bedreigingen

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the System Design Online Test?

  • netwerkprotocollen

    Netwerkprotocollen zijn een reeks regels die regeren die regeren de communicatie tussen apparaten in een netwerk. Inzicht in netwerkprotocollen is essentieel voor het ontwerpen van systemen die effectief gegevens kunnen uitwisselen, waardoor veilige en betrouwbare communicatie wordt gewaarborgd.

  • Database Design

    Database -ontwerp is het proces van het creëren van een gestructureerde weergave van gegevens en definiëren de relaties tussen verschillende entiteiten. Het omvat het creëren van efficiënte schema's die gegevensintegriteit ondersteunen, vragen en indexeren voor geoptimaliseerde opslag en ophalen.

  • gedistribueerde systemen

    Gedistribueerde systemen bestaan ​​uit meerdere onderling verbonden componenten die samenwerken om een ​​gemeenschappelijke samen te werken doel. Het meten van vaardigheid in deze vaardigheid is belangrijk omdat het zorgt voor het begrijpen van concepten zoals consistentie, fouttolerantie en load balancing, die fundamenteel zijn in het bouwen van schaalbare en veerkrachtige toepassingen.

  • Cloud Computing

    Cloud Computeren omvat het leveren van on-demand computergebronnen via internet. Vaardigheid in deze vaardigheid maakt een efficiënt gebruik van cloudgebaseerde services en infrastructuur mogelijk, wat leidt tot schaalbaarheid, kostenoptimalisatie en verbeterde prestaties van applicaties.

  • prestatie-optimalisatie

    Prestatie-optimalisatie richt zich op het verbeteren van de de verbetering Snelheid en efficiëntie van systemen. Vaardigheid in deze vaardigheid helpt bij het identificeren en oplossen van knelpunten, het optimaliseren van algoritmen en het elimineren van redundante bewerkingen, wat leidt tot snellere uitvoering en verminderd resource consumptie.

  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for Softwaresysteemontwerp Online test to be based on.

    Systeem ontwerp
    Load Balancing
    Database Sharding
    Gedistribueerde bestandssystemen
    Cap -stelling
    Database -ontwerp
    Relationele databases
    NoSQL -databases
    Query -optimalisatie
    Zure transacties
    Gedistribueerde systemen
    Eventuele consistentie
    Gedistribueerde vergrendeling
    Cloud computing
    Serverloos computergebruik
    Microservices -architectuur
    Service Discovery
    API Gateway
    Evenementgestuurde architectuur
    Prestatie -optimalisatie
    Gedistribueerde tracing
    Microservices orkestratie
    Monitoring en waarschuwing
    Microservices Beveiliging
    Algoritme en gegevensstructuren
    Dynamisch programmeren
    Cloud computing fundamentals
    Prestatie monitoring
    Beveiliging best practices
    API -ontwerp
    Serviceniveau -overeenkomsten
    Continue integratie en levering
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What roles can I use the System Design Online Test for?

  • Software ontwikkelaar
  • Systeemarchitect
  • Technische leiding
  • Volledige stapelontwikkelaar
  • DevOps -ingenieur
  • Database Administrator
  • Netwerkadministrator
  • Wolkeningenieur
  • Beveiligingsanalist
  • Performance -ingenieur

How is the System Design Online Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • Goed begrip van software -architectuurpatronen
  • Mogelijkheid om de applicatieprestaties te analyseren en te optimaliseren
  • Ervaring met het werken met grootschalige gegevensverwerkingssystemen
  • Kennis van cachingmechanismen en strategieën
  • Mogelijkheid om fouttolerante systemen te ontwerpen en te implementeren
  • Vaardigheid in containerisatie- en orkestratietechnologieën
  • Expertise in het ontwerpen en beheren van gedistribueerde databases
  • Inzicht in event-driven en asynchrone architecturen
  • Mogelijkheid om problemen met complexe systeem op te lossen en op te lossen
  • Ervaring met het ontwerpen van zeer beschikbare en schaalbare services
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De rekruteringsmanagers waren van mening dat ze door de technische vragen die ze tijdens de panelgesprekken stelden, konden zien welke kandidaten beter scoorden, en onderscheidden ze zich met degenen die niet zo goed scoorden. Zij zijn zeer tevreden met de kwaliteit van de kandidaten op de shortlist van de Adaface-screening.

Vermindering van de screeningstijd

System Design Hiring Test Veelgestelde vragen

Kan ik meerdere vaardigheden combineren in één aangepaste beoordeling?

Ja absoluut. Aangepaste beoordelingen zijn opgezet op basis van uw functiebeschrijving en bevatten vragen over alle must-have vaardigheden die u opgeeft.

Heeft u functies tegen latere of proctoring op hun plaats?

We hebben de volgende anti-cheating-functies op zijn plaats:

  • Niet-googelbare vragen
  • IP Proctoring
  • Web Proctoring
  • Webcam Proctoring
  • Plagiaatdetectie
  • Beveilig browser

Lees meer over de Proctoring -functies.

Hoe interpreteer ik testscores?

Het belangrijkste om in gedachten te houden is dat een beoordeling een eliminatietool is, geen selectietool. Een vaardighedenbeoordeling is geoptimaliseerd om u te helpen kandidaten te elimineren die niet technisch gekwalificeerd zijn voor de rol, het is niet geoptimaliseerd om u te helpen de beste kandidaat voor de rol te vinden. Dus de ideale manier om een ​​beoordeling te gebruiken is om een ​​drempelscore te bepalen (meestal 55%, wij helpen u benchmark) en alle kandidaten uit te nodigen die boven de drempel scoren voor de volgende interviewrondes.

Voor welk ervaringsniveau kan ik deze test gebruiken?

Elke ADAFACE -beoordeling is aangepast aan uw functiebeschrijving/ ideale kandidaatpersonage (onze experts van het onderwerp zullen de juiste vragen kiezen voor uw beoordeling uit onze bibliotheek van 10000+ vragen). Deze beoordeling kan worden aangepast voor elk ervaringsniveau.

Krijgt elke kandidaat dezelfde vragen?

Ja, het maakt het veel gemakkelijker voor u om kandidaten te vergelijken. Opties voor MCQ -vragen en de volgorde van vragen worden gerandomiseerd. We hebben anti-cheating/proctoring functies. In ons bedrijfsplan hebben we ook de optie om meerdere versies van dezelfde beoordeling te maken met vragen over vergelijkbare moeilijkheidsniveaus.

Ik ben een kandidaat. Kan ik een oefentest proberen?

Nee. Helaas ondersteunen we op dit moment geen oefentests. U kunt echter onze voorbeeldvragen gebruiken voor praktijk.

Wat zijn de kosten van het gebruik van deze test?

U kunt onze [prijsplannen] bekijken (

Kan ik een gratis proefperiode krijgen?

Ja, u kunt gratis aanmelden en een voorbeeld van deze test.

Ik ben net naar een betaald plan verhuisd. Hoe kan ik een aangepaste beoordeling aanvragen?

Hier is een korte handleiding over hoe een aangepaste beoordeling aanvragen op Adaface.

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