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About the test:

De Microsoft Power Platform Developer-test gebruikt scenario-gebaseerde meerkeuzevragen om kandidaten te evalueren op hun vermogen om aangepaste oplossingen te ontwerpen en te ontwikkelen met behulp van het Power Platform. Belangrijkste vaardigheden en onderwerpen die in de test worden geëvalueerd, zijn onder meer de ontwikkeling van de power -apps, de ontwikkeling van het vermogen, de ontwikkeling van het vermogen, Power BI -ontwikkeling, Microsoft Dataverse, datamodellering, plug -inontwikkeling, aangepaste connectoren en Azure -functies.

Covered skills:

  • Power BI
  • Power Apps Develpoment
  • Power Automate
  • Programming Ability

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Microsoft Power Platform Developer Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist Developers

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • In staat om interactieve en visueel aantrekkelijke rapporten te maken met behulp van Power BI
  • In staat om functionele en gebruiksvriendelijke applicaties te bouwen met behulp van power-apps
  • Bekwaam in het automatiseren van bedrijfsprocessen met Power Automate
  • Bekwaam bij het schrijven van efficiënte en foutloze code
  • Competent in gegevensmodellering en visualisatie met Power BI
  • Ervaren bij het configureren en aanpassen van power -apps componenten
  • Kennis van het ontwerpen en implementeren van geautomatiseerde workflows met Power Automate
  • Bekend met Power Query voor gegevenstransformatie en manipulatie
  • In staat om stroom -apps te integreren met externe systemen en services
  • Toont probleemoplossende vaardigheden in de ontwikkeling van het vermogensplatform
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

View sample questions

The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

Dit zijn slechts een klein monster uit onze bibliotheek met meer dan 10.000 vragen. De werkelijke vragen hierover Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test zal niet-googelbaar zijn.

🧐 Question


Data Filtering
Report Development
M Language
Data Visualization
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You are creating a Power BI report where users need to dynamically filter data based on a range of dates. The report has a Sales table with columns Date, ProductID, and Amount. You decide to use a Power Query parameter to allow users to select a start and end date, which will then filter the Sales table accordingly. The parameter is named DateRange and has a type of List. You need to write a Power Query M formula to filter the Sales table based on the selected date range. The DateRange parameter contains two dates: the first item is the start date, and the second item is the end date. How should the M formula be structured to achieve this functionality?
A: Table.SelectRows(Sales, each [Date] >= DateRange{0} and [Date] <= DateRange{1})

B: Sales{[Date] >= DateRange{0}, [Date] <= DateRange{1}}

C: Table.FilterRows(Sales, each [Date] >= List.First(DateRange) and [Date] <= List.Last(DateRange))

D: Table.SelectRows(Sales, each [Date] >= List.First(DateRange) and [Date] <= List.Last(DateRange))

E: Filter.Table(Sales, [Date] >= DateRange{0}, [Date] <= DateRange{1})


Many-to-one error
Data Modeling
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Consider the following two tables in Power BI:
We received the following error when we tried to set many-to-one cardinality between devices to users tables: “The cardinality you selected isn’t valid for this relationship”. What should we do before creating the many-to-one relationship?


Power Query Functions
Power Query
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Review the following Microsoft SQL Server table:
Complete the following Power Query formula used to create a custom column to replace the numbers present in last 11 characters of ISBN with 11 ‘*’. Example ‘978-0-365-51051-4’ is converted to ‘978-0-***-*****-*’
A: Text.Insert
B: Text.Replace
C: Text.Start
D: Text.End


Approval Chain with Dynamic Routing
Flow Design
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You're tasked with building a Power Automate flow for a purchase order approval system. Here are the requirements:

1. Initiation: The flow starts when a purchase order is submitted via a SharePoint list.
2. Initial Approval: The purchase order should first be routed to the submitter's direct manager (information available in SharePoint).
3. Conditional High-Value Routing:
    - If the purchase order value is over $5000, it requires an additional approval from the department head.
    - If the value is $5000 or less, proceed directly to final processing.
4. Final Processing: Upon all approvals, update the purchase order status in the SharePoint list and send a confirmation email.
Which of the following is the valid approach?
    - Initialize two string variables: 'Manager Approval' and 'Department Head Approval'.
    - 'Get manager (V2)' to store the submitter's manager email in 'Manager Approval'.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - First to respond) using 'Manager Approval'.
    - 'Condition': Purchase order value is greater than 5000.
        - If yes: Set 'Department Head Approval' with department head's email and start another approval.
        - If no: Proceed to final processing steps.

    - 'Get manager (V2)' to retrieve the submitter's manager email.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - First to respond) using the manager's email.
    - 'Condition': Purchase order value is greater than or equal to 5000.
        - If yes: Proceed to final processing steps.
        - If no: 'Get manager (V2)' to retrieve department head's email, followed by another 'Start and wait for an approval'.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - Everyone must approve)
    - Add both the submitter's manager and the department head as approvers.
    - 'Condition': Purchase order value is greater than 5000.
        - If yes: Proceed to final processing steps.
        - If no: Set status to 'Rejected' in the SharePoint list.

    - 'Get manager (V2)' to retrieve the submitter's manager email.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - First to respond) using the manager's email.
    - Create a parallel branch.
        - Branch 1: 'Start and wait for an approval' with department head's email (retrieved from SharePoint).
        - Branch 2: 'Condition' to check if the purchase order value is greater than 5000.

    - Initialize a 'Department Head Approval' string variable.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - First to respond).
    - 'Condition': Purchase order value is greater than 5000.
        - If yes: Assign 'Department Head Approval' variable with department head's email (retrieved from SharePoint).
        - If no: Proceed to final processing steps.
    - 'Start and wait for an approval' (Approval type: Approve/Reject - First to respond) using the 'Department Head Approval' variable.


Implementing a Custom API Call
API integration
HTTP requests
JSON parsing
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You are tasked with integrating Power Automate with a custom REST API to retrieve information about project tasks. The API endpoint is and requires an API key for authentication. The endpoint responds with a JSON payload containing an array of tasks, where each task has id, title, description, status, and dueDate. Your objective is to parse this response to filter tasks that are "In Progress" and have a dueDate within the next 7 days. The filtered tasks should then be formatted into an HTML table and sent in an email notification.

Given the JSON schema for the task object is:
Write the expression used in the 'Filter array' action to achieve the filtering criteria, and provide the schema to parse the API response in the 'Parse JSON' action. Additionally, outline the steps to format the filtered tasks into an HTML table.
A: Use the expression @equals(item()['status'], 'In Progress') && @lessOrEquals(item()['dueDate'], addDays(utcNow(), 7)) for the 'Filter array' action. In the 'Parse JSON' action, manually enter the provided JSON schema. To format into an HTML table, use a 'Select' action to transform the filtered array into HTML string elements for each task, then concatenate these strings in a 'Compose' action.

B: The filtering logic is not directly supported in Power Automate without custom code. Use an Azure Function to process and filter the API response.

C: Use the OData filter query directly on the custom API call to filter tasks by 'status' and 'dueDate' before parsing the JSON response.

D: Implement a 'Data Operations - Filter array' action with the expression item().status == 'In Progress' && item().dueDate <= addDays(utcNow(), 7) and use the JSON schema as is. For formatting, use a 'Data Operations - Compose' action to manually construct the HTML table from the filtered tasks.

E: For the 'Filter array' action, write the expression item()['status'] == 'In Progress' && item()['dueDate'] <= formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(), 7), 'yyyy-MM-dd'). Use the provided JSON schema in the 'Parse JSON' action. For the HTML table, iterate over the filtered tasks with an 'Apply to each' action, building the HTML table string dynamically.

F: Filtering and formatting tasks as described require preprocessing the JSON response in a script before using Power Automate, as Power Automate does not support complex data manipulations.


Streamlining Customer Feedback
Text analytics
Sentiment analysis
Power BI integration
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You have been assigned to develop a Power Automate flow that streamlines the process of analyzing customer feedback collected through a web form. The feedback is initially stored in a Microsoft Forms response and includes customer ratings and open-ended comments. Your objective is to perform sentiment analysis on the comments using Cognitive Services Text Analytics, categorize the feedback based on sentiment (Positive, Neutral, Negative), and then summarize the results in a Power BI report for further analysis and visualization.

The flow should automatically trigger upon new form submission, extract the comment from the form response, perform sentiment analysis using the Text Analytics API, categorize the feedback, and store the results in a SQL database table named "FeedbackAnalysis". The table has columns for FeedbackID, Comment, SentimentScore, and SentimentCategory.

Given this scenario, how should you configure your flow to efficiently handle the feedback analysis, categorization, and data storage for Power BI reporting?
A: Implement a flow that triggers with the 'When an item is created' action in a SharePoint list, assuming a separate process transfers form responses to the list. For each new item, extract the comment and use the 'Detect Sentiment' action from the Text Analytics connector. After categorizing the sentiment, store the results in the "FeedbackAnalysis" SQL table and configure Power BI to visualize the data.

B: Manually trigger the flow for batches of form responses. Aggregate the comments in a 'Data Operations - Compose' action. Use the Text Analytics connector's 'Detect Sentiment' action for batch processing of comments. Store the sentiment analysis results directly in a SharePoint list, then use Power BI to import the SharePoint list data for reporting.

C: Set up a scheduled flow to run at the end of each day, collecting all the day's form responses using a 'List records' action. For each comment, use the 'Detect Sentiment' action from the Text Analytics connector. Categorize the feedback based on the sentiment score thresholds defined in a 'Switch' control. Insert categorized feedback into the "FeedbackAnalysis" table and refresh a Power BI dataset for real-time reporting.

D: Use a 'When a new response is submitted' trigger for Microsoft Forms. Extract the comment using 'Get response details'. Utilize the pre-built Text Analytics connector's 'Detect Sentiment' action for sentiment analysis. Determine the feedback category based on sentiment score thresholds using a 'Condition' control. Insert the feedback, sentiment score, and category into the "FeedbackAnalysis" SQL table. Integrate the SQL data with Power BI for dynamic reporting.

E: Configure a flow that triggers on a weekly basis, using a 'Get responses' action to collect feedback from Microsoft Forms. Manually send each comment to the Text Analytics API using custom code in an Azure Function. Store the analysis results in a Cosmos DB, and use Azure Synapse to process the data for Power BI reporting.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Data Filtering
Report Development
M Language
Data Visualization

2 mins

Power BI
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Many-to-one error
Data Modeling

2 mins

Power BI
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Power Query Functions
Power Query

2 mins

Power BI
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Approval Chain with Dynamic Routing
Flow Design

3 mins

Power Automate
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Implementing a Custom API Call
API integration
HTTP requests
JSON parsing

3 mins

Power Automate
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Streamlining Customer Feedback
Text analytics
Sentiment analysis
Power BI integration

3 mins

Power Automate
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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Data Filtering
Report Development
M Language
Data Visualization
Power BI
Medium2 mins
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Many-to-one error
Data Modeling
Power BI
Medium2 mins
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Power Query Functions
Power Query
Power BI
Medium2 mins
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Approval Chain with Dynamic Routing
Flow Design
Power Automate
Medium3 mins
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Implementing a Custom API Call
API integration
HTTP requests
JSON parsing
Power Automate
Medium3 mins
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Streamlining Customer Feedback
Text analytics
Sentiment analysis
Power BI integration
Power Automate
Medium3 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Met Adaface konden we ons eerste screeningproces met ruim 75% optimaliseren, waardoor kostbare tijd vrijkwam voor zowel de rekruteringsmanagers als ons talentacquisitieteam!

Brandon Lee, Hoofd Mensen, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

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About the Microsoft Power Platform Developer Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test?

The Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • Inzicht in gegevensmodellering en visualisatie in Power BI
  • Interactieve rapporten en dashboards bouwen in Power BI
  • Datastromen maken en beheren in Power BI
  • Het ontwikkelen van aangepaste visuals en extensies in Power BI
  • Dax gebruiken voor gegevensanalyse en berekeningen in Power BI
  • Het ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van canvas en modelgestuurde apps in power-apps
  • Werken met componenten en besturingselementen van Power Apps
  • Power -apps integreren met SharePoint en andere gegevensbronnen
  • Automatisering van bedrijfsprocessen met Power Automate
  • Het maken en beheren van stromen met Power Automate

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test?

  • Power Apps Development

    Power Apps Development omvat het creëren van het creëren van het creëren van het creëren van het creëren van het creëren van het creëren van Low-code en no-code applicaties met behulp van het Power Apps-platform. Deze vaardigheid meet het vermogen van een kandidaat om gebruikersvriendelijke interfaces te ontwerpen en te implementeren, verbinding te maken met verschillende gegevensbronnen en aangepaste bedrijfslogica te ontwikkelen. Door deze vaardigheid in de test te evalueren, kunnen recruiters de vaardigheid van een kandidaat meten bij het creëren van schaalbare en efficiënte toepassingen met minimale codering.

  • Power Automate Development

    Power Automate Development richt zich op de mogelijkheid om geautomatiseerd te bouwen Workflows en bedrijfsprocessen met behulp van het Power Automate Platform. Deze vaardigheid beoordeelt de expertise van een kandidaat in het ontwerpen, configureren en integreren van workflows in meerdere systemen en applicaties. Door deze vaardigheid in de test te meten, kunnen recruiters de vaardigheid van een kandidaat evalueren bij het stroomlijnen en automatiseren Visualisaties met behulp van het Power BI -platform. Deze vaardigheid meet het vermogen van een kandidaat om verbinding te maken met gegevensbronnen, transformatiegegevens te transformeren en te modelleren en overtuigende visuele representaties te ontwerpen. Door deze vaardigheid in de test te beoordelen stelt recruiters in staat om de vaardigheid van een kandidaat te bepalen bij het gebruik van gegevensanalyses en visualisatiehulpmiddelen om waardevolle inzichten voor besluitvorming te extraheren.

  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test to be based on.

    Power BI -visuals
    Power BI -gegevensbronnen
    Power BI -rapport filters
    Power Bi Dax -functies
    Power Bi Dashboard Design
    Power Apps canvas -apps
    Power Apps -formules
    Power Apps -connectoren
    Power Apps Galleries
    Power Automate Triggers
    Power Automate Actions
    Power Automate Approvals
    Power Automate Expressions
    Power Automate foutafhandeling
    Power Query Transformations
    Power Query Data Connectors
    Power Query Gegevensreiniging
    Power BI -gegevenssets
    Power Apps -schermen
    Power Apps -gegevenstypen
    Power Apps -formulieren
    Power Automate VOORWAARDEN
    Power Automate Loop iteraties
    Power Automate variabelen
    Power Query Data Shaping
    Power Query Data Modellering
    Power BI Report Filtering
    Power Apps componenten
    Power Apps gegevensbronnen
    Power Apps Navigation
    Power Automate Approvals
    Power Automate foutafhandeling
    Power Automate Expressions
    Power Query Data Loading
    Power Query Data Transformatie
    Power Query -gegevens samenvoegen
    Power BI -gegevensmodellering
    Power BI -rapportopmaak
    Power Apps schermen aanpassing
    Power Apps Data Validation
    Power Apps -formules
    Power Automate triggers en acties
    Power Automate foutafhandeling
    Gegevenstypen van de stroomquery
    Power BI -rapport Visualisatie
    Power BI -maatregelen
    Power Apps Data Integration
    Power Apps regelt aanpassing
    Power Automate Conditions and Loops
    Power Automate variabelen en uitdrukkingen
    Power Query Data Aggregations
    Power Query gegevensbron transformaties
    Filtering van de power query -gegevens
    Power BI Report Drill-Through
    Power BI -rapport interactiviteit
    Power Apps app delen
    Power Apps App Security
    Power Automate Automitions and Meldifications
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What roles can I use the Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test for?

  • Developer
  • Power Apps Developer
  • Power Automate Developer
  • Power BI -ontwikkelaar
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 -ontwikkelaar

How is the Microsoft Power Platform Developer Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • Foutafhandeling en uitzonderingsbeheer in code implementeren
  • Inzicht in en gebruik van Power Platform -connectoren en API's
  • Werken met geavanceerde gegevenstransformaties in Power BI
  • Het ontwerpen en implementeren van complexe power -apps -formules
  • Power -apps integreren met Power Automate voor workflowautomatisering
  • Het optimaliseren van stroomautomatiseringsstromen voor prestaties en efficiëntie
  • Het toepassen van beveiligings- en autorisatie -instellingen in Power Platform
  • Implementatie van gegevensbeheer en naleving in Power BI
  • Schakelbare en onderhoudbare Power Apps -oplossingen bouwen
  • Problemen oplossen en debuggen Power Platform -applicaties

The coding question for experienced candidates will be of a higher difficulty level to evaluate more hands-on experience.

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De rekruteringsmanagers waren van mening dat ze door de technische vragen die ze tijdens de panelgesprekken stelden, konden zien welke kandidaten beter scoorden, en onderscheidden ze zich met degenen die niet zo goed scoorden. Zij zijn zeer tevreden met de kwaliteit van de kandidaten op de shortlist van de Adaface-screening.

Vermindering van de screeningstijd

Microsoft Power Platform Developer Hiring Test Veelgestelde vragen

Kan ik meerdere vaardigheden combineren in één aangepaste beoordeling?

Ja absoluut. Aangepaste beoordelingen zijn opgezet op basis van uw functiebeschrijving en bevatten vragen over alle must-have vaardigheden die u opgeeft.

Heeft u functies tegen latere of proctoring op hun plaats?

We hebben de volgende anti-cheating-functies op zijn plaats:

  • Niet-googelbare vragen
  • IP Proctoring
  • Web Proctoring
  • Webcam Proctoring
  • Plagiaatdetectie
  • Beveilig browser

Lees meer over de Proctoring -functies.

Hoe interpreteer ik testscores?

Het belangrijkste om in gedachten te houden is dat een beoordeling een eliminatietool is, geen selectietool. Een vaardighedenbeoordeling is geoptimaliseerd om u te helpen kandidaten te elimineren die niet technisch gekwalificeerd zijn voor de rol, het is niet geoptimaliseerd om u te helpen de beste kandidaat voor de rol te vinden. Dus de ideale manier om een ​​beoordeling te gebruiken is om een ​​drempelscore te bepalen (meestal 55%, wij helpen u benchmark) en alle kandidaten uit te nodigen die boven de drempel scoren voor de volgende interviewrondes.

Voor welk ervaringsniveau kan ik deze test gebruiken?

Elke ADAFACE -beoordeling is aangepast aan uw functiebeschrijving/ ideale kandidaatpersonage (onze experts van het onderwerp zullen de juiste vragen kiezen voor uw beoordeling uit onze bibliotheek van 10000+ vragen). Deze beoordeling kan worden aangepast voor elk ervaringsniveau.

Krijgt elke kandidaat dezelfde vragen?

Ja, het maakt het veel gemakkelijker voor u om kandidaten te vergelijken. Opties voor MCQ -vragen en de volgorde van vragen worden gerandomiseerd. We hebben anti-cheating/proctoring functies. In ons bedrijfsplan hebben we ook de optie om meerdere versies van dezelfde beoordeling te maken met vragen over vergelijkbare moeilijkheidsniveaus.

Ik ben een kandidaat. Kan ik een oefentest proberen?

Nee. Helaas ondersteunen we op dit moment geen oefentests. U kunt echter onze voorbeeldvragen gebruiken voor praktijk.

Wat zijn de kosten van het gebruik van deze test?

U kunt onze [prijsplannen] bekijken (

Kan ik een gratis proefperiode krijgen?

Ja, u kunt gratis aanmelden en een voorbeeld van deze test.

Ik ben net naar een betaald plan verhuisd. Hoe kan ik een aangepaste beoordeling aanvragen?

Hier is een korte handleiding over hoe een aangepaste beoordeling aanvragen op Adaface.

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