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About the test:


Covered skills:

  • システム設計とアーキテクチャ
  • 継続的な統合/継続的な展開(CI/CD)
  • 監視およびロギングシステム
  • パフォーマンスの調整と負荷分散
  • セキュリティ原則の理解
  • マイクロサービスとコンテナ化
  • トラフィック管理および分散システム
  • 容量の計画とリソースの最適化
  • コードとしてのインフラストラクチャ(IAC)
  • ネットワーキングの概念の理解
  • インシデント管理と死後分析
  • データベースの信頼性とスケーラビリティ
  • 災害復旧計画と実行
  • サービスレベルの目標(SLO)およびエラー予算
  • 高可用性と回復力戦略

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Site Reliability Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist サイト信頼性エンジニア(SRE)s

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Site Reliability Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • サイトの信頼性エンジニアリングの実践と原則に熟練しています
  • DevOpsの方法論とツールの経験
  • Dockerコンテナ化の知識
  • Kubernetesのオーケストレーションの理解
  • 堅牢なシステムとアーキテクチャを設計する機能
  • コード(IAC)の概念としてのインフラストラクチャに精通しています
  • 継続的統合/継続的展開(CI/CD)パイプラインの専門知識
  • 分散システムにおけるネットワーキングの概念の理解
  • 監視およびロギングシステムの実装スキル
  • インシデント管理と死後分析に熟練しています
  • パフォーマンスの調整と負荷分散の経験
  • データベースの信頼性とスケーラビリティを確保するための専門知識
  • システム設計におけるセキュリティ原則の知識
  • 災害復旧計画と実行に精通しています
  • マイクロサービスとコンテナ化の理解
  • サービスレベルの目標(SLO)とエラーの予算を定義するスキル
  • 交通管理と分散システムの知識
  • 高可用性と回復力戦略に関する専門知識
  • 容量の計画とリソースの最適化を実行する能力
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

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The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

これらは、10,000以上の質問のライブラリからのわずかなサンプルです。これに関する実際の質問 サイトの信頼性テスト グーグルできません.

🧐 Question


Error Budget Management
Latency Monitoring
Error Budgets
Distributed Tracing
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You are a site reliability engineer responsible for maintaining a microservices-based e-commerce platform. Your system consists of several independent services, each deployed on its separate container within a Kubernetes cluster.

Your organization follows a strict Service Level Objective (SLO) to maintain user satisfaction, which mandates that the 95th percentile latency for all requests over a 30-day period should not exceed 200 ms.

The following pseudo-code represents a simplified version of the request processing in your system:
You realize that over the first two weeks of the current 30-day window, the 95th percentile latency has risen to 250 ms. Analyzing further, you discover that out of 10 million requests, 600,000 requests took more than 200 ms to complete.

Given these facts, which of the following is the most effective course of action that you can take to troubleshoot and reduce the system's latency issues?
A: Change the latency log level to debug to gather more information.
B: Increase the SLO for latency to 250 ms to accommodate the current system performance.
C: Introduce more instances of each microservice to handle the increased load.
D: Implement a distributed tracing mechanism to identify the microservices contributing most to the latency.
E: Implement request throttling to reduce the overall number of requests.


Incident Response Procedure
Incident Management
Disaster Recovery
System Optimization
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You are an SRE for a large-scale distributed system. The system architecture includes five primary servers (P1 to P5) and three backup servers (B1 to B3). The system uses an advanced load balancer that distributes the workload across the primary servers evenly. 

One day, the monitoring system triggers an alert that server P5 is not responding. The pseudo-code for the current incident response procedure is as follows:
The function 'replaceServer(server)' replaces the failed server with a new one from a pool of spare servers, which takes around 30 minutes. 

The current discussion revolves around modifying this procedure to improve system resilience and minimize potential downtime. The backup servers are underutilized and could be leveraged more effectively. Also, the load balancer can dynamically shift workloads based on server availability and response time.

Based on the situation above, what is the best approach to optimize the incident response procedure?
A: Implement an early warning system to predict server failures and prevent them.
B: Upon failure detection, immediately divert traffic to backup servers, then attempt to reboot the primary server, and replace if necessary.
C: Replace the failed server without attempting a reboot and keep the traffic on primary servers.
D: Enable auto-scaling to add more servers when a primary server fails.
E: Switch to a more advanced load balancer that can detect and handle server failures independently.


Service Balancer Decision-making
Load Balancing
Distributed Systems
Concurrent Processing
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You are a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) working on a distributed system with a load balancer that distributes requests across a number of servers based on the current load. The decision algorithm for load balancing is written in pseudo-code as follows:
The system receives a large burst of requests. In response to this, some engineers propose increasing the `threshold` value to allow for more requests to be handled concurrently by each server. Others argue that instead, we should increase the number of servers to distribute the load more evenly. 

Consider that the system has auto-scaling capabilities based on the average load of all servers, but the scaling operation takes about 15 minutes to add new servers to the pool. Also, the servers' performance degrades sharply if the load is much above the threshold.

One of the engineers also proposes modifying the getServer function logic to distribute the incoming load one by one across all servers to trigger the average load to rise faster.

Based on this scenario, what is the best approach?
A: Increase the `threshold` value to allow more requests on each server.
B: Add more servers to distribute the load, regardless of the auto-scaling delay.
C: Modify the getServer function to distribute the incoming load one by one across all servers to trigger the average load to rise faster.
D: Increase the `threshold` and add more servers simultaneously.
E: Manually trigger the auto-scaling process before the load increases.


Resource Analysis
Process Management
System Performance
Log Analysis
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As a senior DevOps engineer, you are tasked with diagnosing performance issues on a Linux server running Ubuntu 20.04. The server hosts several critical applications, but lately, users have been experiencing significant slowness. Initial monitoring shows that CPU and memory utilization are consistently high. To identify the root cause, you check the output of `top` and `ps` commands, which indicate that a particular process is consuming an unusually high amount of resources. However, the process name is generic and does not clearly indicate which application or service it belongs to. You also examine `/var/log/syslog` for any unusual entries but find nothing out of the ordinary. Based on this situation, which of the following steps would most effectively help you identify and resolve the performance issue?
A: Increase the server's physical memory and CPU capacity.
B: Use the `lsof` command to identify the files opened by the suspect process.
C: Reboot the server to reset all processes.
D: Examine the `/etc/hosts` file for any incorrect configurations.
E: Run the `netstat` command to check for abnormal network activity.
F: Check the crontab for any recently added scheduled tasks.


Streamlined DevOps
Continuous Integration
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You are in charge of developing a Bash script for setting up a continuous integration pipeline for a web application. The source code is hosted in a Git repository. The script's goals include:

1. Ensuring the local copy of the repository in /var/www/html is updated to the latest version.
2. Creating a .env file with APP_ENV=production in the project root if it doesn't already exist.
3. Running a test suite with ./ and handling any test failures appropriately.
4. Logging the current timestamp and commit hash in deployment_log.txt in the project root if tests pass.

Which of the following script options would most effectively and safely accomplish these tasks?


Docker Multistage Build Analysis
Multistage Builds
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Consider the following Dockerfile, which utilizes multistage builds. The aim is to build a lightweight, optimized image that just runs the application.
The Dockerfile first defines a base image that includes Node.js and npm, then it creates an intermediate image to install the npm dependencies. Afterwards, it runs the tests in another stage and finally, creates the release image.

Which of the following statements are true?

A: The final image will include the test scripts.
B: If a test fails, the final image will not be created.
C: The node_modules directory in the final image comes from the base image.
D: The final image will only contain the necessary application files and dependencies.
E: If the application's source code changes, only the release stage needs to be rebuilt.


Docker Networking and Volume Mounting Interplay
Volume Mounting
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You have two docker containers, X and Y. Container X is running a web service listening on port 8080, and container Y is supposed to consume this service. Both containers are created from images that don't have any special network configurations.

Container X has a Dockerfile as follows:
And, you build and run it with the following commands:
Container Y is also running alpine with python installed, and it's supposed to read data from the `/app/data` directory and send a GET request to `http://localhost:8080` every 5 minutes. The Dockerfile for container B is:
And you run it with:
Assuming all the python scripts work perfectly and firewall isn't blocking any connections, you find that container Y can't access the web service of container X via `http://localhost:8080` and also it can't read the data in `/app/data` directory. What could be the potential reason(s)?
A: Y can't access X's web service because they're in different Docker networks.
B: Y can't read the data because the volume is not shared correctly.
C: Both A and B are correct.
D: Both A and B are incorrect.


Dockerfile Optimization
Multi-stage builds
Layer Caching
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You have been asked to optimize a Dockerfile for a Python application that involves a heavy dependency installation. Here is the Dockerfile you are starting with:
Given that the application's source code changes frequently but the dependencies listed in requirements.txt rarely change, how can you optimize this Dockerfile to take advantage of Docker's layer caching, reducing the build time?
A: Move the `RUN pip install` command to before the `COPY` command.
B: Change `COPY . /app` to `COPY ./ /app` and move the `RUN pip install` command to before the `COPY` command.
C: Add `RUN pip cache purge` before `RUN pip install`.
D: Replace the base image with `python:3.8-slim`.
E: Implement multi-stage builds.


Dockerfile Updates
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Check the following Dockerfile used for a project (STAGE 1):
We created an image from this Dockerfile on Dec 14 2021. A couple of weeks after Dec 14 2021, Ubuntu released new security updates to their repository. After 2 months, we modified the file (STAGE 2):
Couple of weeks later, we further modified the file to add a local file ada.txt to /ada.txt (STAGE 3): (Note that ada.txt exists in /home/adaface and the dockerfile exists in /home/code folders)
Pick correct statements:

A: If we run “docker build .” at STAGE 2, new Ubuntu updates will be fetched because apt-get update will be run again since cache is invalidated for all lines/layers of Dockerfile when a new line is added.
B: If we run “docker build .” at STAGE 2, new Ubuntu updates will not be fetched since cache is invalidated only for last two lines of the updated Dockerfile. Since the first two commands remain the same, cached layers are re-used skipping apt get update.
C: To skip Cache, “docker build -no-cache .” can be used at STAGE 2. This will ensure new Ubuntu updates are picked up.
D: Docker command “docker build .” at STAGE 3 works as expected and adds local file ada.txt to the image.
E: Docker command “docker build .” at STAGE 3 gives an error “no such file or directory” since /home/adaface/ada.txt is not part of the Dockerfile context.


Efficient Dockerfile
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Review the following Dockerfiles that work on two projects (project and project2):
All Docker files have the same end result:

- ‘project’ is cloned from git. After running few commands, ‘project’ code is removed.
- ‘project2’ is copied from file system and permissions to the folder is changed.
Pick the correct statements:

A: File 1 is the most efficient of all.
B: File 2 is the most efficient of all.
C: File 3 is the most efficient of all.
D: File 4 is the most efficient of all.
E: Merging multiple RUN commands into a single RUN command is efficient for ‘project’ since each RUN command creates a new layer with changed files and folders. Deleting files with RUN only marks these files as deleted but does not reclaim disk space. 
F: Copying ‘project2’ files and changing ownership in two separate commands will result in two layers since Docker duplicates all the files twice.


ConfigMap and Secrets Interaction
Resource Management
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In a Kubernetes cluster, you are working on configuring a new deployment that should be able to access specific environment variables through both ConfigMap and Secrets resources. The deployment YAML is structured as follows:
You have applied the above YAML successfully without any errors. Now, you are about to configure a service to expose the deployment. Before doing that, you want to confirm the security and setup implications.

Based on the above configuration, which of the following statements are true?
1. The DATABASE_PASSWORD will be mounted as an environment variable in plain text.
2. The ConfigMap data can be updated and the changes will be reflected automatically in the running pods without any need for a redeployment.
3. If a potential attacker gains access to the cluster, they would be able to retrieve the DATABASE_PASSWORD in plain text from the secrets resource as it is defined in stringData.
4. The APP_ENV and DATABASE_URL values are securely stored and cannot be accessed by non-admin users.
5. If a new container in the same pod is created, it would automatically have the DATABASE_PASSWORD environment variable configured.


Ingress from namespace
Network Policies
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You are tasked with deploying a Kubernetes network policy. Here are the specifications:

- Name of the policy: adaface-namespace
- Policy to be deployed in ‘chatbot’ namespace
- The policy should allow ALL traffic only from ‘tester’ namespace
- Policy should not allow communication between pods in the same namespace
- Traffic only from ‘tester’ namespace is allowed on all ports
Which of the following configuration files is BEST suited to create required dependencies and deploy the network policy?


Pod Affinity and Resource Quota Compliance
Pod Scheduling
Resource Management
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You are working on a Kubernetes project where you need to ensure that certain pods get scheduled on nodes based on the presence of other pods and to limit the amount of resources that can be consumed in a namespace. You have been given the following YAML file which contains a combination of a pod definition and a resource quota:
With the application of the above YAML configuration, assess the validity of the statements and choose the correct option that lists all the true statements.
1. The critical-pod will only be scheduled on nodes where at least one pod with a label security=high is already running.
2. The critical-pod is adhering to the resource quotas defined in the compute-quota.
3. The compute-quota restricts the namespace to only allow a total of 1 CPU and 1Gi memory in requests and 2 CPUs and 2Gi memory in limits across all pods.
4. If a node has multiple pods labeled with security=high, the critical-pod can potentially be scheduled on that node, given other scheduling constraints are met.
5. The critical-pod exceeds the defined memory request quota as per the compute-quota.


Resource limits
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How would you deploy a Kubernetes pod with the following specifications:

- Name of pod: adaface
- Resource limits: 1 CPU and 512Mi memory
- Image: haproxy
A: kubectl run adaface --image=haproxy --limits='cpu=1,memory=512Mi'
B: kubectl run adaface --image=haproxy --requests='cpu=1,memory=512Mi'
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Error Budget Management
Latency Monitoring
Error Budgets
Distributed Tracing

3 mins

Site Reliability Engineering
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Incident Response Procedure
Incident Management
Disaster Recovery
System Optimization

3 mins

Site Reliability Engineering
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Service Balancer Decision-making
Load Balancing
Distributed Systems
Concurrent Processing

2 mins

Site Reliability Engineering
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Resource Analysis
Process Management
System Performance
Log Analysis

3 mins

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Streamlined DevOps
Continuous Integration

2 mins

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Docker Multistage Build Analysis
Multistage Builds

3 mins

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Docker Networking and Volume Mounting Interplay
Volume Mounting

3 mins

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Dockerfile Optimization
Multi-stage builds
Layer Caching

2 mins

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Dockerfile Updates

2 mins

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Efficient Dockerfile

2 mins

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ConfigMap and Secrets Interaction
Resource Management

2 mins

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Ingress from namespace
Network Policies

3 mins

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Pod Affinity and Resource Quota Compliance
Pod Scheduling
Resource Management

2 mins

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Resource limits

3 mins

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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Error Budget Management
Latency Monitoring
Error Budgets
Distributed Tracing
Site Reliability Engineering
Medium3 mins
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Incident Response Procedure
Incident Management
Disaster Recovery
System Optimization
Site Reliability Engineering
Medium3 mins
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Service Balancer Decision-making
Load Balancing
Distributed Systems
Concurrent Processing
Site Reliability Engineering
Medium2 mins
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Resource Analysis
Process Management
System Performance
Log Analysis
Medium3 mins
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Streamlined DevOps
Continuous Integration
Medium2 mins
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Docker Multistage Build Analysis
Multistage Builds
Medium3 mins
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Docker Networking and Volume Mounting Interplay
Volume Mounting
Easy3 mins
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Dockerfile Optimization
Multi-stage builds
Layer Caching
Medium2 mins
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Dockerfile Updates
Medium2 mins
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Efficient Dockerfile
Medium2 mins
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ConfigMap and Secrets Interaction
Resource Management
Medium2 mins
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Ingress from namespace
Network Policies
Medium3 mins
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Pod Affinity and Resource Quota Compliance
Pod Scheduling
Resource Management
Medium2 mins
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Resource limits
Easy3 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Adaface を使用することで、最初の選考プロセスを 75% 以上最適化することができ、採用担当マネージャーと人材獲得チームの両方にとって貴重な時間を同様に解放することができました。

Brandon Lee, 人々の責任者, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment サイトの信頼性テスト in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the サイトの信頼性テスト from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

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About the Site Reliability Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Site Reliability Test?

The サイトの信頼性テスト makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • システムの設計とアーキテクチャの原則の理解
  • コードとしてのインフラストラクチャの習熟度(IAC)
  • 継続的な統合/継続的な展開(CI/CD)ツールとプロセスの経験
  • ネットワーキングの概念とプロトコルの知識
  • 監視およびロギングシステムに精通しています
  • インシデント管理を処理し、死後分析を実行する能力
  • パフォーマンスの調整と負荷分散の経験
  • データベースの信頼性とスケーラビリティの理解
  • セキュリティ原則とベストプラクティスの知識
  • 災害復旧計画と実行の習熟度

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Site Reliability Test?

  • システムの設計とアーキテクチャ

    このスキルは、スケーラビリティ、可用性、パフォーマンスなどの要因を考慮して、候補者の複雑なシステムを設計およびアーキテクトコンプレックスシステムの能力を評価します。信頼できる効率的なソフトウェアインフラストラクチャを構築するための基盤を形成するため、このテストでこのスキルを測定することが重要です。ツールとテクニックを使用して、コードを介してインフラストラクチャを定義および管理します。このスキルを測定することにより、候補者がインフラストラクチャのプロビジョニングを自動化し、構成の一貫性を維持できるようにし、運用効率の向上と手動エラーの削減につながります。 </h4> <p>このスキルは、ソフトウェアの構築、テスト、展開のための自動化されたプロセスの候補者の理解と適用を測定します。組織がソフトウェアを迅速かつ頻繁にリリースできるため、このスキルを評価し、変更が徹底的にテストされ、潜在的な問題を最小限に抑え、市場までのより速い時間を達成することができます。 /H4> <p>このスキルは、TCP/IP、DNS、ルーティング、ネットワークプロトコルなど、ネットワーキングの基礎に関する候補者の知識を評価します。このスキルを測定して、候補者がネットワークの構成を設計およびトラブルシューティングし、ネットワークパフォーマンスを最適化し、システムの異なるコンポーネント間で安全で信頼できる通信を実装できるようにすることが重要です。 <p>このスキルは、監視およびロギングシステムを実装および利用して、アプリケーションのパフォーマンスに関する洞察を得、問題を検出し、問題をトラブルシューティングする候補者の能力を評価します。このスキルを測定することは、システムの適切な観察可能性を確保し、積極的な監視、効率的なデバッグ、インフラストラクチャの全体的な信頼性の継続的な改善を促進するのに役立ちます。 >このスキルは、事件の処理、対応の取り組みの調整、死後分析の実施における候補者の知識と経験を測定し、根本原因を特定し、再発を防止します。このスキルを評価することは、インシデントの影響を効果的に管理および軽減する候補者の能力を実証するため、不可欠です。 </h4> <p>このスキルは、システムのパフォーマンスを最適化し、複数のリソースにワークロードを配布することに関する候補者の専門知識を評価し、スケーラビリティと高可用性を確保します。このスキルの測定は、組織がパフォーマンスを損なうことなく応答性の高いアプリケーションを提供し、トラフィックの増加を処理できるため、非常に重要です。スキルは、データベーステクノロジー、その信頼性、およびスケーラビリティの側面に関する候補者の理解を評価します。このスキルの測定は、候補者がデータベースシステムを設計、監視、最適化し、データの整合性とパフォーマンスを維持しながら効率的なデータストレージ、検索、高可用性を可能にすることができるようにするのに役立つため重要です。

  • セキュリティ原則の理解

    このスキルは、認証、承認、暗号化、脆弱性管理など、セキュリティの概念とベストプラクティスの候補者の把握を測定します。このスキルを評価することは、組織がシステムとデータを不正アクセスから保護し、規制要件の順守を維持し、潜在的な脅威や攻撃から機密情報を保護することができるため、重要です。 > <p>このスキルは、災害復旧の計画を開発および実施する候補者の能力を評価し、壊滅的なイベントの場合にビジネスの継続性を確保します。このスキルを測定することは、ダウンタイムを最小限に抑え、データとインフラストラクチャを回復し、サービスを迅速に回復する候補者の能力を実証し、組織に対する混乱の影響を効果的に減らすために重要です。 p>このスキルは、マイクロサービスアーキテクチャの設計と実装と、DockerやKubernetesなどのコンテナ化技術の利用における候補者の理解と習熟度を評価します。このスキルの測定は、組織が効率的に展開および運用できるスケーラブル、デカップ、および管理可能なシステムを構築できるため、価値があり、サービスの迅速な開発、展開、およびスケーラビリティを可能にします。エラーの予算</h4> <p>このスキルは、候補者の知識と、サービスレベルの目標の定義、追跡、および会議の適用、およびエラー予算の管理を測定します。このスキルの評価は、組織がサービスの信頼性を確立および維持し、機能開発とインフラ投資に関するデータ駆動型の決定を下し、システムのパフォーマンスと可用性を向上させるための取り組みを優先するのに役立つため、不可欠です。 /H4> <p>このスキルは、分散システムの複数のリソースで着信トラフィックを効率的に管理および配布する候補者の能力を評価します。このスキルを測定することは、交通量の多い負荷を処理し、システムのパフォーマンスを向上させ、障害の許容度とスケーラビリティを確保できるため、非常に重要です。 /H4> <p>このスキルは、高可用性を達成し、障害に対するシステムの弾力性を確保するための戦略と技術の候補者の知識と適用を評価します。このスキルの測定は、組織が停止の影響を最小限に抑え、継続的なサービスの可用性を維持し、予期しない状況やコンポーネントの障害に直面しても途切れないユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供できるため、重要です。

  • 容量計画とリソースの最適化


  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for サイトの信頼性テスト to be based on.

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What roles can I use the Site Reliability Test for?

  • サイト信頼性エンジニア(SRE)
  • ジュニアサイトの信頼性エンジニア
  • シニアサイトの信頼性エンジニア

How is the Site Reliability Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • マイクロサービスとコンテナ化技術の理解
  • サービスレベルの目標(SLO)とエラーの予算を定義する能力
  • 交通管理と分散システムの知識
  • 高可用性と回復力戦略に関する専門知識
  • 能力計画とリソースの最適化の経験
  • 複雑な問題をトラブルシューティングとデバッグする能力
  • スクリプトと自動化の習熟度
  • クラウドプラットフォームとサービスの知識
  • 仮想化技術の専門知識
  • バージョン制御システムとGITの理解
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採用担当者は、パネル面接中に尋ねる専門的な質問を通じて、どの候補者がより良いスコアを持っているかを判断し、スコアがそれほど高くない候補者と区別できると感じました。彼らです 非常に満足 Adaface のスクリーニングで最終候補者リストに選ばれた候補者の質を重視します。


Site Reliability Hiring Test よくある質問





  • グーグル不可能な質問
  • IP監督
  • Webの提案
  • ウェブカメラの監督
  • 盗作の検出
  • 安全なブラウザ












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