ETL Interview Questions For Experienced
  1. Can you explain the concept of data virtualization and its use in ETL processes?
  2. How would you design an ETL process for a distributed system?
  3. What is the difference between push and pull ETL architectures?
  4. How do you handle big data in ETL processes?
  5. Can you explain the concept of ETL metadata and its importance in ETL processes?
  6. How do you handle schema changes in ETL processes?
  7. What is the role of data profiling in ETL testing and how is it done?
  8. How do you handle real-time data feeds in ETL processes?
  9. Can you explain the concept of data wrangling and its importance in ETL processes?
  10. How do you implement data security and access control in ETL processes?
  11. What are the best practices for ETL performance tuning?
  12. Can you explain the concept of ETL orchestration and its importance in ETL processes?
  13. How do you handle unstructured data in ETL processes?
  14. Can you explain the difference between ETL and data integration?
  15. How do you handle data archiving and retention in ETL processes?
  16. How do you handle data synchronization between different systems in ETL processes?
  17. Can you explain the concept of data cleansing and its importance in ETL processes?
  18. How do you handle large-scale data migration using ETL?
  19. What are the key factors to consider when selecting an ETL tool?
  20. How do you handle data compression in ETL processes?
  21. Can you explain the concept of data masking and its importance in ETL processes?
  22. How do you handle data replication in ETL processes?
  23. What is the role of data profiling in data governance and how is it done?
  24. How do you handle data enrichment in ETL processes?
  25. Can you explain the concept of data lineage tracing and its importance in ETL processes?
  26. What is the difference between ETL and ETL automation?
  27. How do you handle ETL processes for big data using Hadoop?
  28. Can you explain the concept of ETL 4.0 and how it differs from traditional ETL?
  29. What is the role of ETL in data governance and compliance?
  30. How do you handle data lineage in distributed ETL processes?
  31. Can you explain the concept of data virtualization and how it is used in ETL processes?
  32. How do you handle ETL processes for streaming data?
  33. What is the role of machine learning in ETL processes?
  34. How do you handle data deduplication in ETL processes?
  35. Can you explain the difference between ETL and data ingestion?