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About the test:

Der Sybase IQ -Test bewertet das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten eines Kandidaten im Sybase IQ -Datenbankmanagement. Es bewertet die Kenntnisse in SQL, Data Warehousing, Abfrageoptimierung, Datenmodellierung, ETL und Datenbankleistung.

Covered skills:

  • Sybase IQ
  • Sql
  • Datenanalyse
  • Datenmodellierung
  • Verwandeln
  • Datenbankleistungsteuerung
  • Datenbankmanagement
  • Data Warehousing
  • Abfrageoptimierung
  • ETL (Extrakt
  • Belastung)
  • Business Intelligence

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9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Sybase IQ Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist Sybase IQ Administrators

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Sybase IQ Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • In der Lage, komplexe Abfragen mit Sybase IQ zu schreiben
  • SQL für die Datenbankverwaltung kompetent
  • In der Lage, ETL -Prozesse zu entwerfen und zu bauen
  • Qualifiziert in der Datenmodellierung für effiziente Datenbankstrukturen
  • Fähigkeit, Abfragen für eine verbesserte Leistung zu optimieren
  • Erfahrung in Data Warehousing und Analytics
  • Kompetenz in Abfrageoptimierungstechniken
  • Kenntnis der Datenbankleistungsstimmung
  • Vertrautheit mit Business Intelligence -Konzepten
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

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The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
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Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

Dies sind nur ein kleines Beispiel aus unserer Bibliothek mit mehr als 10.000 Fragen. Die tatsächlichen Fragen dazu Sybase IQ -Test wird nichtgänger sein.

🧐 Question


Multi Select
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Consider the following SQL table:
How many rows does the following SQL query return?


nth highest sales
Nested queries
User Defined Functions
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Consider the following SQL table:
Which of the following SQL commands will find the ‘nth highest Sales’ if it exists (returns null otherwise)?


Select & IN
Nested queries
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Consider the following SQL table:
Which of the following SQL queries would return the year when neither a football or cricket winner was chosen?


Sorting Ubers
Nested queries
Comparison operators
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Consider the following SQL table:
What will be the first two tuples resulting from the following SQL command?


With, AVG & SUM
Aggregate functions
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Consider the following SQL table:
How many tuples does the following query return?


Data Merging
Data Merging
Conditional Logic
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A data engineer is tasked with merging and transforming data from two sources for a business analytics report. Source 1 is a SQL database 'Employee' with fields EmployeeID (int), Name (varchar), DepartmentID (int), and JoinDate (date). Source 2 is a CSV file 'Department' with fields DepartmentID (int), DepartmentName (varchar), and Budget (float). The objective is to create a summary table that lists EmployeeID, Name, DepartmentName, and YearsInCompany. The YearsInCompany should be calculated based on the JoinDate and the current date, rounded down to the nearest whole number. Consider the following initial SQL query:
Which of the following modifications ensures accurate data transformation as per the requirements?
A: Change FLOOR to CEILING in the calculation of YearsInCompany.
B: Add WHERE e.JoinDate IS NOT NULL before the JOIN clause.
C: Replace JOIN with LEFT JOIN and use COALESCE(d.DepartmentName, 'Unknown').
D: Change the YearsInCompany calculation to YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) - YEAR(e.JoinDate).
E: Use DATEDIFF(YEAR, e.JoinDate, CURRENT_DATE) for YearsInCompany calculation.


Data Updates
Data Warehouse
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Jaylo is hired as Data warehouse engineer at Affflex Inc. Jaylo is tasked with designing an ETL process for loading data from SQL server database into a large fact table. Here are the specifications of the system:
1. Orders data from SQL to be stored in fact table in the warehouse each day with prior day’s order data
2. Loading new data must take as less time as possible
3. Remove data that is more then 2 years old
4. Ensure the data loads correctly
5. Minimize record locking and impact on transaction log
Which of the following should be part of Jaylo’s ETL design?

A: Partition the destination fact table by date
B: Partition the destination fact table by customer
C: Insert new data directly into fact table
D: Delete old data directly from fact table
E: Use partition switching and staging table to load new data
F: Use partition switching and staging table to remove old data


SQL in ETL Process
SQL Code Interpretation
Data Transformation
SQL Functions
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In an ETL process designed for a retail company, a complex SQL transformation is applied to the 'Sales' table. The 'Sales' table has fields SaleID, ProductID, Quantity, SaleDate, and Price. The goal is to generate a report that shows the total sales amount and average sale amount per product, aggregated monthly. The following SQL code snippet is used in the transformation step:
What specific function does this SQL code perform in the context of the ETL process, and how does it contribute to the reporting goal?
A: The code calculates the total and average sales amount for each product annually.
B: It aggregates sales data by month and product, computing total and average sales amounts.
C: This query generates a daily breakdown of sales, both total and average, for each product.
D: The code is designed to identify the best-selling products on a monthly basis by sales amount.
E: It calculates the overall sales and average price per product, without considering the time dimension.


Trade Index
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Silverman Sachs is a trading firm and deals with daily trade data for various stocks. They have the following fact table in their data warehouse:
Table: Trades
Indexes: None
Columns: TradeID, TradeDate, Open, Close, High, Low, Volume
Here are three common queries that are run on the data:
Dhavid Polomon is hired as an ETL Developer and is tasked with implementing an indexing strategy for the Trades fact table. Here are the specifications of the indexing strategy:

- All three common queries must use a columnstore index
- Minimize number of indexes
- Minimize size of indexes
Which of the following strategies should Dhavid pick:
A: Create three columnstore indexes: 
1. Containing TradeDate and Close
2. Containing TradeDate, High and Low
3. Container TradeDate and Volume
B: Create two columnstore indexes:
1. Containing TradeID, TradeDate, Volume and Close
2. Containing TradeID, TradeDate, High and Low
C: Create one columnstore index that contains TradeDate, Close, High, Low and Volume
D: Create one columnstore index that contains TradeID, Close, High, Low, Volume and Trade Date


Healthcare System
Data Integrity
Referential Integrity
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You are designing a data model for a healthcare system with the following requirements:
A: A separate table for each entity with foreign keys as specified, and a DoctorPatient table linking Doctors to Patients.
B: A separate table for each entity with foreign keys as specified, without additional tables.
C: A combined PatientDoctor table replacing Patient and Doctor, and separate tables for Appointment and Prescription.
D: A separate table for each entity with foreign keys, and a PatientPrescription table to track prescriptions directly linked to patients.
E: A single table combining Patient, Doctor, Appointment, and Prescription into one.
F: A separate table for each entity with foreign keys as specified, and an AppointmentDetails table linking Appointments to Prescriptions.


ER Diagram and minimum tables
ER Diagram
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Look at the given ER diagram. What do you think is the least number of tables we would need to represent M, N, P, R1 and R2?


Normalization Process
Database Design
Anomaly Elimination
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Consider a healthcare database with a table named PatientRecords that stores patient visit information. The table has the following attributes:

- VisitID
- PatientID
- PatientName
- DoctorID
- DoctorName
- VisitDate
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- TreatmentCost

In this table:

- Each VisitID uniquely identifies a patient's visit and is associated with one PatientID.
- PatientID is associated with exactly one PatientName.
- Each DoctorID is associated with a unique DoctorName.
- TreatmentCost is a fixed cost based on the Treatment.

Evaluating the PatientRecords table, which of the following statements most accurately describes its normalization state and the required actions for higher normalization?
A: The table is in 1NF. To achieve 2NF, remove partial dependencies by separating Patient information (PatientID, PatientName) and Doctor information (DoctorID, DoctorName) into different tables.
B: The table is in 2NF. To achieve 3NF, remove transitive dependencies by creating separate tables for Patients (PatientID, PatientName), Doctors (DoctorID, DoctorName), and Visits (VisitID, PatientID, DoctorID, VisitDate, Diagnosis, Treatment, TreatmentCost).
C: The table is in 3NF. To achieve BCNF, adjust for functional dependencies such as moving DoctorName to a separate Doctors table.
D: The table is in 1NF. To achieve 3NF, create separate tables for Patients, Doctors, and Visits, and remove TreatmentCost as it is a derived attribute.
E: The table is in 2NF. To achieve 4NF, address any multi-valued dependencies by separating Visit details and Treatment details.
F: The table is in 3NF. To achieve 4NF, remove multi-valued dependencies related to VisitID.


University Courses
ER Diagrams
Complex Relationships
Integrity Constraints
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Based on the ER diagram, which of the following statements is accurate and requires specific knowledge of the ER diagram's details?
A: A Student can major in multiple Departments.
B: An Instructor can belong to multiple Departments.
C: A Course can be offered by multiple Departments.
D: Enrollment records can link a Student to multiple Courses in a single semester.
E: Each Course must be associated with an Enrollment record.
F: A Department can offer courses without having any instructors.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Multi Select

2 mins

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nth highest sales
Nested queries
User Defined Functions

3 mins

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Select & IN
Nested queries

3 mins

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Sorting Ubers
Nested queries
Comparison operators

3 mins

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With, AVG & SUM
Aggregate functions

2 mins

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Data Merging
Data Merging
Conditional Logic

2 mins

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Data Updates
Data Warehouse

2 mins

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SQL in ETL Process
SQL Code Interpretation
Data Transformation
SQL Functions

3 mins

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Trade Index

3 mins

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Healthcare System
Data Integrity
Referential Integrity

2 mins

Data Modeling
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ER Diagram and minimum tables
ER Diagram

2 mins

Data Modeling
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Normalization Process
Database Design
Anomaly Elimination

3 mins

Data Modeling
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University Courses
ER Diagrams
Complex Relationships
Integrity Constraints

2 mins

Data Modeling
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🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Multi Select
Medium2 mins
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nth highest sales
Nested queries
User Defined Functions
Medium3 mins
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Select & IN
Nested queries
Medium3 mins
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Sorting Ubers
Nested queries
Comparison operators
Medium3 mins
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With, AVG & SUM
Aggregate functions
Hard2 mins
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Data Merging
Data Merging
Conditional Logic
Medium2 mins
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Data Updates
Data Warehouse
Medium2 mins
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SQL in ETL Process
SQL Code Interpretation
Data Transformation
SQL Functions
Medium3 mins
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Trade Index
Medium3 mins
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Healthcare System
Data Integrity
Referential Integrity
Data Modeling
Easy2 mins
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ER Diagram and minimum tables
ER Diagram
Data Modeling
Hard2 mins
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Normalization Process
Database Design
Anomaly Elimination
Data Modeling
Medium3 mins
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University Courses
ER Diagrams
Complex Relationships
Integrity Constraints
Data Modeling
Medium2 mins
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Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Mit Adaface konnten wir unseren Erstauswahlprozess um mehr als 75 % optimieren und so wertvolle Zeit sowohl für Personalmanager als auch für unser Talentakquiseteam gewinnen!

Brandon Lee, Leiter der Menschen, Love, Bonito

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Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment Sybase IQ -Test in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the Sybase IQ -Test from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

Ansicht der Probe Scorecard
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Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

Learn more

About the Sybase IQ Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Sybase IQ Test?

The Sybase IQ -Test makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • Verständnis und Kenntnisse im Sybase -IQ -Datenbankverwaltungssystem
  • Kenntnisse in SQL -Abfragen und Datenbankmanipulation
  • Kenntnis der ETL -Prozesse und -Techniken (Extrakt, Transformation, Belastung)
  • Fähigkeit, Datenmodelle für effizientes Speicher und Abruf zu entwerfen und zu implementieren
  • Erfahrung in der Abfrageoptimierung zur Verbesserung der Datenbankleistung
  • Verständnis von Data Warehousing -Konzepten und -implementierung
  • Kenntnisse in der Datenanalyse und Interpretation
  • Vertrautheit mit Datenbankleistungssteuerungstechniken
  • Fähigkeit zur Analyse und Optimierung von Datenbankabfragen für ein effizientes Datenabruf

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Sybase IQ Test?

  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for Sybase IQ -Test to be based on.

    Sybase IQ Installation
    IQ Multiplex
    IQ -Architektur
    Datenbelastung in IQ
    IQ -Verwaltung
    Abfrageoptimierung im IQ
    IQ -Indizes
    IQ -Datenmodellierung
    IQ Performance Tuning
    IQ -Backup und Genesung
    SQL -Grundlagen
    SQL schließt sich an
    SQL -Unterabfragen
    SQL -Funktionen
    SQL -Indizes
    SQL -Leistungsstimmung
    ETL -Prozessdesign
    Data Warehousing -Konzepte
    Datenanalyse -Techniken
    Business Intelligence Tools
    Data Mining
    ETL -Werkzeuge
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What roles can I use the Sybase IQ Test for?

  • Sybase IQ Administrator
  • Datenbankadministrator
  • Datenbankentwickler
  • ETL -Entwickler

How is the Sybase IQ Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • Erfahrung mit Datenmodellierungsmethoden und Best Practices
  • Kenntnisse beim Schreiben komplexer SQL -Abfragen zum Extrahieren und Analysieren von Daten
  • Verständnis der Datenintegrations- und Datenmigrationsprozesse
  • Kenntnis der Sybase-IQ-spezifischen Merkmale und Funktionen
  • Fähigkeit zur Fehlerbehebung und Behebung von Datenbankproblemen
  • Erfahrung in Datenbankverwaltungsaufgaben wie Backup und Wiederherstellung
  • Vertrautheit mit Datensicherheit und Datenschutzmaßnahmen in einer Datenbankumgebung
  • Kenntnisse in der Gestaltung und Implementierung von ETL -Prozessen
  • Verständnis der Datenbankindexierung und Partitionierungstechniken
  • Erfahrung mit Datenbankreplikation und Synchronisation
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Die Personalmanager hatten das Gefühl, dass sie durch die technischen Fragen, die sie während der Panel-Interviews stellten, erkennen konnten, welche Kandidaten bessere Ergebnisse erzielten, und sie von denen unterscheiden konnten, die nicht so gut abschnitten. Sie sind Sehr zufrieden mit der Qualität der Kandidaten, die beim Adaface-Screening in die engere Auswahl kommen.

Verringerung der Screening -Zeit

Sybase IQ Hiring Test FAQs

Kann ich mehrere Fähigkeiten zu einer benutzerdefinierten Bewertung kombinieren?

Ja absolut. Basierend auf Ihrer Stellenbeschreibung werden benutzerdefinierte Bewertungen eingerichtet und enthalten Fragen zu allen von Ihnen angegebenen Must-Have-Fähigkeiten.

Haben Sie Anti-Cheating- oder Proctoring-Funktionen?

Wir haben die folgenden Anti-Cheating-Funktionen:

  • Nicht-Googling-Fragen
  • IP -Verbreitung
  • Web -Verbreitung
  • Webcam -Proctoring
  • Plagiaterkennung
  • sicherer Browser

Lesen Sie mehr über die Proctoring -Funktionen.

Wie interpretiere ich die Testergebnisse?

Die wichtigste Sache, die Sie beachten sollten, ist, dass eine Bewertung ein Eliminierungswerkzeug ist, kein Auswahlwerkzeug. Eine Bewertung der Qualifikationsbewertung wird optimiert, um Ihnen zu helfen, Kandidaten zu beseitigen, die technisch nicht für die Rolle qualifiziert sind. Sie ist nicht optimiert, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, den besten Kandidaten für die Rolle zu finden. Die ideale Möglichkeit, eine Bewertung zu verwenden, besteht also darin, einen Schwellenwert zu entscheiden (in der Regel 55%, wir helfen Ihnen bei der Benchmark) und alle Kandidaten einladen, die für die nächsten Interviewrunden über dem Schwellenwert punkten.

Für welche Erfahrung kann ich diesen Test verwenden?

Jede Adaface -Bewertung ist an Ihre Stellenbeschreibung/ ideale Kandidatenpersönlichkeit angepasst (unsere Experten für Fache werden die richtigen Fragen für Ihre Bewertung aus unserer Bibliothek mit über 10000 Fragen auswählen). Diese Einschätzung kann für jede Erfahrungsstufe angepasst werden.

Bekommt jeder Kandidat die gleichen Fragen?

Ja, es macht es Ihnen viel einfacher, Kandidaten zu vergleichen. Optionen für MCQ -Fragen und die Reihenfolge der Fragen werden randomisiert. Wir haben Anti-Cheating/Proctoring Funktionen. In unserem Unternehmensplan haben wir auch die Möglichkeit, mehrere Versionen derselben Bewertung mit Fragen mit ähnlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden zu erstellen.

Ich bin ein Kandidat. Kann ich einen Übungstest ausprobieren?

Nein, leider unterstützen wir derzeit keine Übungstests. Sie können jedoch unsere Beispielfragen zur Praxis verwenden.

Was kostet die Verwendung dieses Tests?

Sie können unsere Preispläne überprüfen.

Kann ich eine kostenlose Testversion erhalten?

Ja, Sie können sich kostenlos anmelden und eine Vorschau dieses Tests.

Ich bin gerade zu einem bezahlten Plan gezogen. Wie kann ich eine benutzerdefinierte Bewertung anfordern?

Hier finden Sie eine kurze Anleitung zu wie Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Bewertung anfordern auf Adaface.

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