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About the test:

Blockchain-udvikleren online-test bruger scenariebaserede multiple choice-spørgsmål til at evaluere kandidater om deres tekniske viden og praktiske færdigheder relateret til blockchain-udvikling, dækker emner såsom blockchain-arkitektur, konsensusalgoritmer, smarte kontrakter, cryptocurrency, tokenøkonomi, decentrale applikationer (DAPPS) og blockchain -sikkerhed. Testen sigter mod at bestemme kandidaternes evne til at opbygge innovative blockchain-løsninger, der løser problemer i den virkelige verden og imødekommer forretningsbehov.

Covered skills:

  • Grundlæggende blockchain
  • Decentrale applikationer
  • Blockchain Security
  • Distribueret hovedboksteknologi
  • Blockchain -udviklingsværktøjer
  • Blockchain -integration
  • Smarte kontrakter
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Konsensusmekanismer
  • Blockchain -platforme
  • Tokenisering
  • Blockchain skalerbarhed

9 reasons why
9 reasons why

Adaface Blockchain Developer Assessment Test is the most accurate way to shortlist Blockchain -udviklers

Reason #1

Tests for on-the-job skills

The Blockchain Developer Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • At forstå det grundlæggende i blockchain -teknologi
  • Bygning og implementering af smarte kontrakter
  • Udvikling af decentrale applikationer på blockchain -platforme
  • At forstå begreberne cryptocurrencies
  • Implementering af sikkerhedsforanstaltninger i blockchain -applikationer
  • Kendskab til forskellige konsensusmekanismer
  • Forståelse af distribueret hovedboksteknologi
  • Arbejder med forskellige blockchain -platforme
  • Brug af blockchain -udviklingsværktøjer effektivt
  • Forståelse af tokeniseringsprocessen
  • Integrering af blockchain i eksisterende systemer
  • Håndtering af skalerbarhedsudfordringer i blockchain -udvikling
Reason #2

No trick questions

no trick questions

Traditional assessment tools use trick questions and puzzles for the screening, which creates a lot of frustration among candidates about having to go through irrelevant screening assessments.

View sample questions

The main reason we started Adaface is that traditional pre-employment assessment platforms are not a fair way for companies to evaluate candidates. At Adaface, our mission is to help companies find great candidates by assessing on-the-job skills required for a role.

Why we started Adaface
Reason #3

Non-googleable questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

Dette er kun en lille prøve fra vores bibliotek med 10.000+ spørgsmål. De faktiske spørgsmål om dette Blockchain Developer Test vil være ikke-gåbart.

🧐 Question


51% Attacks
A 51% attack is perhaps the most discussed threat to any public Blockchain asset. A 51% attack happens when a certain miner or mining pool, that owns more than 50% of all the network’s hashing power, acts maliciously to disturb the network’s operation.
For example: Two Bitcoin Cash mining pools, carried out a 51% attack on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain in order to stop an unknown miner from taking coins that they weren’t supposed to have access to, while the network forked.
Which of the following CAN be done by a miner employing a 51% attack?

A: Double spend their coins
B: Reverse confirmed transactions
C: Steal funds from a certain address
D: Prevent transactions from being confirmed
E: Create false transactions that never happened


Breed Chasing, solo engineer is planning to create new cryptocurrency, NEWCRAIGLIST and build a blockchain that facilitates buying and selling second-hand items with NEWCRAIGLIST from each other. Breed expects the platform to be used for international transactions and devised the following process:

- Before a transaction is considered complete, the purchaser must put the funds in an escrow service
- The sender must enter the courier tracking number into that same escrow
Palmart, toy store giant in US is asked by lawmakers to provide evidence that proves the store’s toys are not produced through child labour. Palmart’s toys are transferred between 7 parties between creation and placement at the store. Palmart is considering using blockchain to solve this problem. Discretion in the reading and writing of transactions is highly important to the store chain to protect its proprietary interests. Review the following possible solutions and pick the best approach that solves Palmart’s problem:
Option A:
Use a public blockchain that supports assets.
Then create a new toy asset for each item created. 
When the toy is transferred to the next party, mandate that the associated blockchain asset to be transferred to the next party's blockchain account with required metadata.
Lawmakers can now view transactions and transfers at any time.

Option B: 
Use a permissioned blockchain.
Require that every party involved in the process to host a node on the Palmart's network. 
Create a new toy asset for each item created. 
When the toy is transferred to the next party in the process, have the previous party use a web portal to initialize a chain code Smart Contract to transfer control of the asset. 
When the next party receives the asset have them use a web portal to initialize a chain code Smart Contracts to acknowledge receipt of the asset. 
Provide read-only permissions to the lawmakers so they can receive the evidence they are looking for.


Blockchain Interoperability
Smart Contract Logic
Decentralized Applications
Consider a blockchain ecosystem where a decentralized application (dApp) is designed to operate across two different blockchains: Blockchain A, which uses a unique smart contract language and execution environment, and Blockchain B, which supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible smart contracts. The dApp includes a cross-chain functionality where certain actions triggered in Blockchain A's smart contract result in specific operations in a smart contract on Blockchain B. The interoperability is facilitated through a decentralized oracle that verifies and relays information between the two blockchains. Given this setup, which of the following statements most accurately reflects the challenges and considerations in implementing this dApp's cross-chain functionality?
A: Cross-chain functionality cannot be achieved due to the different smart contract languages and execution environments.
B: The decentralized oracle introduces a single point of failure, compromising the security of the dApp.
C: Synchronizing state between the two blockchains is seamless and does not introduce any additional latency.
D: The dApp can maintain consistency and atomicity in transactions across the blockchains, but it faces challenges in data validation and oracle reliability.
E: Smart contract execution on Blockchain B is entirely dependent on the state of the smart contract on Blockchain A.
F: The interoperability poses no significant challenges, as EVM compatibility ensures seamless cross-chain communication.


Strategic Tokenomics
Cryptocurrency Economics
A new cryptocurrency, CryptoX, has a fixed total supply of 100 million tokens. Its initial release of 40 million tokens is distributed as follows: 10 million for development, 15 million for a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) treasury, and 15 million for staking rewards. The remaining 60 million tokens are locked, with a scheduled release decreasing by 10% each year. CryptoX also has a deflationary mechanism where 0.1% of each transaction is burned.

During a market downturn, CryptoX's price drops by 30% in a month. Market analysis attributes this drop primarily to increased token selling by short-term holders, influenced by a broader market downturn in cryptocurrencies. CryptoX's community is considering responses to stabilize the price and reassure long-term investors. Two strategies are proposed:

1) Increase the transaction burn rate to 0.2%, hoping to reduce the circulating supply faster and create a deflationary pressure.
2) Maintain the current tokenomics, believing that the downturn is part of normal market fluctuations and that the existing mechanisms are robust enough for long-term stability.

Given the market analysis and the nature of the downturn, which strategy is more likely to effectively stabilize CryptoX’s price while maintaining long-term value?
A: Increase the transaction burn rate to 0.2%.
B: Maintain the current tokenomics without any changes.
C: Temporarily suspend the transaction burn mechanism.
D: Increase the release rate of the locked tokens.
E: Implement a dynamic burn rate that adjusts with market conditions.
F: Introduce a temporary buyback and burn program.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


51% Attacks

3 mins




3 mins



Blockchain Interoperability
Smart Contract Logic
Decentralized Applications

3 mins



Strategic Tokenomics
Cryptocurrency Economics

2 mins

🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
51% Attacks
Medium3 mins
Easy3 mins
Blockchain Interoperability
Smart Contract Logic
Decentralized Applications
Medium3 mins
Strategic Tokenomics
Cryptocurrency Economics
Medium2 mins
Reason #4

1200+ customers in 75 countries

customers in 75 countries

Med Adaface var vi i stand til at optimere vores indledende screeningsproces med op mod 75 %, hvilket frigjorde kostbar tid for både ansættelsesledere og vores talentanskaffelsesteam!

Brandon Lee, Leder af mennesker, Love, Bonito

Reason #5

Designed for elimination, not selection

The most important thing while implementing the pre-employment Blockchain Developer Test in your hiring process is that it is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. In other words: you want to use the test to eliminate the candidates who do poorly on the test, not to select the candidates who come out at the top. While they are super valuable, pre-employment tests do not paint the entire picture of a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and motivations. Multiple easy questions are more predictive of a candidate's ability than fewer hard questions. Harder questions are often "trick" based questions, which do not provide any meaningful signal about the candidate's skillset.

Science behind Adaface tests
Reason #6

1 click candidate invites

Email invites: You can send candidates an email invite to the Blockchain Developer Test from your dashboard by entering their email address.

Public link: You can create a public link for each test that you can share with candidates.

API or integrations: You can invite candidates directly from your ATS by using our pre-built integrations with popular ATS systems or building a custom integration with your in-house ATS.

invite candidates
Reason #7

Detailed scorecards & benchmarks

Se prøvescorekort
Reason #8

High completion rate

Adaface tests are conversational, low-stress, and take just 25-40 mins to complete.

This is why Adaface has the highest test-completion rate (86%), which is more than 2x better than traditional assessments.

test completion rate
Reason #9

Advanced Proctoring

Learn more

About the Blockchain Developer Online Test

Why you should use Pre-employment Blockchain Developer Test?

The Blockchain Developer Test makes use of scenario-based questions to test for on-the-job skills as opposed to theoretical knowledge, ensuring that candidates who do well on this screening test have the relavant skills. The questions are designed to covered following on-the-job aspects:

  • Forståelse og implementering af blockchain -grundlæggende
  • Skrivning og implementering af smarte kontrakter
  • Bygning af decentrale applikationer (DAPPS)
  • Kendskab til forskellige cryptocurrencies og deres funktionaliteter
  • At sikre, at blockchain -sikkerhedsforanstaltninger er på plads
  • Forståelse af forskellige konsensusmekanismer
  • Arbejde med distribueret hovedboksteknologi
  • Fortrolighed med forskellige blockchain -platforme
  • Brug af blockchain -udviklingsværktøjer
  • Oprettelse og håndtering af tokeniseringsmekanismer

Once the test is sent to a candidate, the candidate receives a link in email to take the test. For each candidate, you will receive a detailed report with skills breakdown and benchmarks to shortlist the top candidates from your pool.

What topics are covered in the Blockchain Developer Test?

  • smarte kontrakter </H4> <p> Smart kontrakter er selvudførende kontrakter med Foruddefinerede betingelser skrevet i kode, som automatisk håndhæver betingelserne i aftalen. Test af denne færdighed i vurderingen sikrer, at kandidaterne har den nødvendige viden til at udvikle og implementere smarte kontrakter på et blockchain -netværk. </p> <h4> decentraliserede applikationer

    Decentraliserede applikationer (DAPPS) er applikationer, der kører På et peer-to-peer-netværk af computere i stedet for en central server. Test af denne færdighed hjælper rekrutterere med at vurdere kandidaternes evne til at designe, udvikle og implementere decentrale applikationer ved hjælp af blockchain -teknologi.

  • cryptocurrency

    cryptocurrency refererer til digitale eller virtuelle valutaer, der bruger kryptografi til sikkerhed og driver uafhængigt af en centralbank. Inkludering af denne færdighed i testen giver rekrutterere mulighed for at evaluere kandidaternes forståelse af cryptocurrency-koncepter, såsom blockchain-baserede valutaer, tegnebøger, transaktioner og minedrift.

  • blockchain-sikkerhed

    blockchain-sikkerhed involverer at beskytte blockchain -netværk og applikationer mod forskellige trusler såsom hacking, dataovertrædelser og ondsindede aktiviteter. Evaluering af denne færdighed hjælper rekrutterere med at identificere kandidater, der er vidende om sikkerheds bedste praksis inden for blockchain -økosystemet.

  • konsensusmekanismer

    Konsensusmekanismer bestemmer, hvordan deltagere i et blockchain -netværk er enige om gyldigheden af ​​transaktioner og opretholde hovedbogens integritet. Måling af denne færdighed i vurderingen sikrer, at kandidater har en omfattende forståelse af forskellige konsensusalgoritmer, f.eks > Distribueret Ledger Technology (DLT) er den underliggende teknologi af blockchain, der muliggør den decentrale og gennemsigtig opbevaring af data på tværs af flere noder. Evaluering af denne færdighed giver rekrutterere mulighed for at vurdere kandidaternes forståelse af de grundlæggende principper og implementering af DLT i blockchain -systemer.

  • blockchain -platforme </H4> <p> blockchain -platforme er softwarerammer eller infrastrukturer, der giver de nødvendige Værktøjer og funktionaliteter til opbygning og implementering af blockchain -applikationer. Inkludering af denne færdighed i testen hjælper rekrutterere med at evaluere kandidaternes viden om populære blockchain -platforme som Ethereum, Hyperledger og Corda. </p> <h4> blockchain -udviklingsværktøjer

    blockchain -udviklingsværktøjer er softwareapplikationer og biblioteker, der lette oprettelsen, testning og implementering af blockchain-baserede applikationer. Måling af denne færdighed giver rekrutterere mulighed for at vurdere kandidaternes fortrolighed med værktøjer såsom soliditet (til ethereum smart kontraktudvikling) og trøffel (til blockchain -udvikling og test).

  • tokenization

    tokenization henvises til henvisning til til processen med at konvertere aktiver i den virkelige verden eller rettigheder til digitale tokens på en blockchain. Test af denne færdighed hjælper rekrutterere med at evaluere kandidaternes forståelse af tokeniseringskoncepter, tokenstandarder som ERC-20 og integrationen af ​​tokens inden for blockchain-applikationer.

  • blockchain-integration

    Blockchain-integration involverer at forbinde Eksisterende systemer og applikationer med blockchain -netværk for at udnytte fordelene ved decentraliserede, gennemsigtige og sikre datalagring og transaktioner. Evaluering af denne færdighed hjælper rekrutterere med at identificere kandidater, der effektivt kan integrere blockchain -teknologi i forskellige brancher og brugssager.

  • blockchain skalerbarhed

    Blockchain skalerbarhed henviser til et blockchain -netværks evne til at håndtere stigende transaktion Mængder og brugerkrav uden at gå på kompromis med ydeevne og effektivitet. Test af denne færdighed i vurderingen giver rekrutterere mulighed for at evaluere kandidaternes viden om skalerbarhedsløsninger som afskærmning, lag 2-protokoller og off-chain-transaktioner.

  • Full list of covered topics

    The actual topics of the questions in the final test will depend on your job description and requirements. However, here's a list of topics you can expect the questions for Blockchain Developer Test to be based on.

    Blockchain Fundamentals
    Blockchain Architecture
    Smart kontraktprogrammering
    Blockchain -protokoller
    Cryptocurrency mining
    Decentral opbevaring
    Ethereum blockchain
    Hyperledger -stof
    EOS blockchain
    Stellar blockchain
    Web3.js bibliotek
    Truffle Framework
    Ethereum Virtual Machine
    Token -standarder (ERC20, ERC721 osv.)
    ICO -udvikling
    Orakler og eksterne datafeeds
    Konsensusalgoritmer (bevis for arbejde, bevis på indsats osv.)
    Distribuerede hovedboksteknologirammer
    Tilladt vs tilladelsesløse blockchains
    Blockchain Security Best Practices
    Problem med dobbeltudgifter
    Privat og offentlig nøglekryptografi
    Sikker nøgleopbevaring
    Digitale underskrifter
    Blockchain -revision
    Hash fungerer
    Blockchain -datastrukturer
    Web 3.0 og decentraliseret web
    Nul-viden bevis
    Sidechains og off-chain-transaktioner
    Skalerbarhedsløsninger (afskærmning, lag 2 -protokoller osv.)
    Enterprise blockchain -løsninger
    Blockchain som en tjeneste
    Smart kontrakttest
    Integration af webapplikation med blockchain
    Blockchain -brugssager i forsyningskædestyring
    Identitetsstyring på blockchain
    Privatliv i blockchain
    Blockchain til økonomiske ansøgninger
    Smart kontraktsårbarheder
    Gas- og transaktionsgebyrer
    Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
    Tokenisering af aktiver
    Blockchain Governance
    Decentraliserede autonome organisationer (DAOS)
    Kryptografiske hashfunktioner
    Blockchain -regulering og overholdelse
    Blockchain skalerbarhedstest
    Blockchain -udviklingsrammer
    Blockchain Analytics
    Decentraliseret finansiering (DEFI)
    Ikke-svampbare symboler (NFTS)
    Blockchain -konsensusopgraderinger
    Grænseoverskridende betalinger på blockchain
    Blockchain Marketplace Development

What roles can I use the Blockchain Developer Test for?

  • Blockchain -udvikler
  • Smart Contract Developer
  • Blockchain Engineer
  • Cryptocurrency -udvikler
  • DAPP -udvikler
  • Blockchain -konsulent

How is the Blockchain Developer Test customized for senior candidates?

For intermediate/ experienced candidates, we customize the assessment questions to include advanced topics and increase the difficulty level of the questions. This might include adding questions on topics like

  • Integrering af blockchain -teknologi i eksisterende systemer
  • Design af løsninger til blockchain -skalerbarhedsudfordringer
  • Forbliver ajour med den seneste udvikling inden for blockchain-teknologi
  • Implementering af krypteringsteknikker og kryptografiske protokoller
  • Analyse og optimering af blockchain -ydeevne
  • Fejlfinding og fejlfinding af blockchain -applikationer
  • Revision og vurdering af sikkerhed for blockchain -netværk
  • Implementering af multi-signatur- og tærskelunderskriftsordninger
  • Integrering af off-chain-løsninger med on-chain-transaktioner
  • Design og implementering af konsensusprotokoller til private blockchains
  • Håndtering og overvågning af blockchain -netværksnoder og transaktioner
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Ansættelseslederne mente, at de gennem de tekniske spørgsmål, som de stillede under panelinterviewene, var i stand til at fortælle, hvilke kandidater der havde bedre score og differentieret med dem, der ikke scorede så godt. De er meget tilfreds med kvaliteten af ​​de kandidater, der er nomineret med Adaface-screeningen.

Reduktion i screeningstid

Blockchain Developer Hiring Test Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Kan jeg kombinere flere færdigheder i en brugerdefineret vurdering?

Ja absolut. Brugerdefinerede vurderinger er oprettet baseret på din jobbeskrivelse og vil omfatte spørgsmål om alle must-have-færdigheder, du angiver.

Har du nogen anti-cheating eller proctoring-funktioner på plads?

Vi har følgende anti-cheating-funktioner på plads:

  • Ikke-gåbare spørgsmål
  • IP Proctoring
  • Webproctoring
  • Webcam Proctoring
  • Detektion af plagiering
  • Sikker browser

Læs mere om Proctoring Features.

Hvordan fortolker jeg testresultater?

Den primære ting at huske på er, at en vurdering er et elimineringsværktøj, ikke et udvælgelsesværktøj. En færdighedsvurdering er optimeret for at hjælpe dig med at eliminere kandidater, der ikke er teknisk kvalificerede til rollen, den er ikke optimeret til at hjælpe dig med at finde den bedste kandidat til rollen. Så den ideelle måde at bruge en vurdering på er at beslutte en tærskelværdi (typisk 55%, vi hjælper dig med benchmark) og inviterer alle kandidater, der scorer over tærsklen for de næste interviewrunder.

Hvilken oplevelsesniveau kan jeg bruge denne test til?

Hver Adaface -vurdering tilpasses til din jobbeskrivelse/ ideel kandidatperson (vores emneeksperter vælger de rigtige spørgsmål til din vurdering fra vores bibliotek på 10000+ spørgsmål). Denne vurdering kan tilpasses til ethvert erfaringsniveau.

Får hver kandidat de samme spørgsmål?

Ja, det gør det meget lettere for dig at sammenligne kandidater. Valgmuligheder for MCQ -spørgsmål og rækkefølgen af ​​spørgsmål randomiseres. Vi har anti-cheating/proctoring funktioner på plads. I vores virksomhedsplan har vi også muligheden for at oprette flere versioner af den samme vurdering med spørgsmål om lignende vanskelighedsniveauer.

Jeg er kandidat. Kan jeg prøve en øvelsestest?

Nej. Desværre understøtter vi ikke praksisforsøg i øjeblikket. Du kan dog bruge vores eksempler på spørgsmål til praksis.

Hvad er omkostningerne ved at bruge denne test?

Du kan tjekke vores prisplaner.

Kan jeg få en gratis prøve?

Ja, du kan tilmelde dig gratis og forhåndsvise denne test.

Jeg flyttede lige til en betalt plan. Hvordan kan jeg anmode om en brugerdefineret vurdering?

Her er en hurtig guide til hvordan man anmoder om en brugerdefineret vurdering på adaface.

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