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53 HTML Interview Questions to Ask Developers of All Levels

Siddhartha Gunti

September 09, 2024

Hiring the right HTML developer can make or break your web development projects. Conducting effective interviews is key to identifying candidates with the necessary HTML skills and understanding of web technologies.

This blog post provides a comprehensive list of HTML interview questions tailored for different skill levels and aspects of HTML development. From general concepts to semantic elements and accessibility, we cover a wide range of topics to help you assess candidates thoroughly.

By using these questions, you'll be better equipped to evaluate applicants' HTML proficiency and make informed hiring decisions. Consider pairing these interview questions with a pre-interview HTML assessment to streamline your hiring process and identify top talent efficiently.

Table of contents

8 general HTML interview questions and answers to assess applicants
12 HTML interview questions to ask junior developers
10 intermediate HTML interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers
10 HTML interview questions about semantic elements
8 HTML interview questions and answers related to accessibility
5 situational HTML interview questions with answers for hiring top developers
Which HTML skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?
Streamline Your Hiring Process with HTML Skills Tests and Targeted Interview Questions
Download HTML interview questions template in multiple formats

8 general HTML interview questions and answers to assess applicants

8 general HTML interview questions and answers to assess applicants

To gauge whether your applicants have a solid grasp of HTML fundamentals, leverage this list of 8 essential HTML interview questions. These questions are designed to help you assess their understanding without getting too deep into the technical weeds.

1. Can you explain what HTML is and its primary purpose?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard language used to create and design documents on the web.

The primary purpose of HTML is to structure web pages and their content. For example, content could be structured within paragraphs, lists, links, and headings.

The ideal candidate should demonstrate a strong understanding of HTML's role in web development and how it interacts with other technologies like CSS and JavaScript.

2. What is the difference between HTML and HTML5?

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and includes new features, elements, and APIs that were not present in older versions.

Some key differences include support for multimedia elements (like <audio> and <video> tags), new form controls, and improved performance and accessibility features.

Look for candidates who can highlight specific improvements and explain how these changes enhance the web development experience.

3. How do you ensure your HTML code is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities?

Ensuring accessibility involves using semantic HTML, which means using the correct elements for their intended purpose, like <header> for headers and <footer> for footers.

It also involves adding attributes such as alt for images and aria roles for dynamic content to help screen readers provide a better user experience.

Candidates should discuss best practices for accessibility and demonstrate a mindset that values inclusive web design.

4. What are some common elements used in HTML, and what are their purposes?

Common HTML elements include <div>, <span>, <p>, <a>, and <img>. Each serves a specific purpose in structuring content.

For example, <div> is a block-level element used for grouping content, while <span> is an inline element for styling small parts of the text.

Candidates should be able to discuss the purposes of these elements and when to use each one appropriately.

5. Can you explain what a semantic HTML element is and provide some examples?

Semantic HTML elements clearly describe their meaning in a human- and machine-readable way. Examples include <article>, <section>, <nav>, and <aside>.

These elements not only help with the readability of the code but also improve SEO and accessibility.

An ideal response should indicate an understanding of how semantic HTML contributes to better-structured and more maintainable code.

6. What is the purpose of the `doctype` declaration in HTML?

The doctype declaration is used to specify the HTML version and ensure that the browser renders the page correctly.

For HTML5, the declaration is simply <!DOCTYPE html>. It helps the browser understand how to interpret the document.

A strong candidate will explain the importance of the doctype declaration and its role in preventing quirks mode in browsers.

7. How do you include external resources, such as stylesheets and scripts, in your HTML document?

External resources are included using the <link> element for stylesheets and the <script> element for scripts.

For example, you can include a CSS file with <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> and a JavaScript file with <script src="script.js"></script>.

Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of best practices for including external resources, such as placing scripts at the bottom of the document for better page load performance.

8. What is the difference between block-level and inline elements in HTML?

Block-level elements take up the full width available, starting on a new line, and can contain other block-level or inline elements. Examples include <div>, <p>, and <h1>.

Inline elements only take up as much width as necessary and do not start on a new line. Examples include <span>, <a>, and <img>.

Look for candidates who can clearly differentiate between these types of elements and explain when to use each type appropriately.

12 HTML interview questions to ask junior developers

12 HTML interview questions to ask junior developers

To evaluate whether candidates possess the essential skills for working with HTML, utilize these interview questions. They will help you assess a junior developer's foundational knowledge and practical abilities in creating and structuring web content. For more information on what to look for, check out this HTML Developer Job Description.

  1. What is the purpose of the `<head>` section in an HTML document?
  2. Can you explain the role of attributes in HTML elements? Please provide examples.
  3. How do you create a link in HTML? What are the essential attributes of a hyperlink?
  4. What is the difference between the `<div>` and `<span>` elements?
  5. How can you embed a video in an HTML page?
  6. What are HTML entities, and why are they used?
  7. How do you create a form in HTML? What are some important attributes to consider?
  8. Can you explain what the `<meta>` tag does and provide examples of its use?
  9. How do you handle HTML comments, and why are they useful?
  10. What are the differences between `<ol>`, `<ul>`, and `<dl>` in HTML?
  11. How would you optimize an HTML document for faster loading times?
  12. Can you describe the difference between `id` and `class` attributes in HTML?

10 intermediate HTML interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers

10 intermediate HTML interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers

Ready to level up your HTML interview game? These 10 intermediate questions are perfect for assessing mid-tier developers. They'll help you gauge a candidate's deeper understanding of HTML without diving into overly technical waters. Use them to spark insightful discussions and uncover how well your potential hires can apply their HTML skills in real-world scenarios.

1. How would you structure a webpage to improve its search engine optimization (SEO)?

A strong candidate should mention several key HTML elements and practices that contribute to better SEO:

  • Using appropriate heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) in a logical hierarchy
  • Implementing descriptive and unique title tags for each page
  • Adding meta descriptions that accurately summarize page content
  • Using semantic HTML elements like <article>, <nav>, and <main>
  • Including alt text for images
  • Structuring content with appropriate use of <p> tags for paragraphs

Look for answers that demonstrate an understanding of how HTML structure impacts SEO. Follow up by asking for specific examples of how they've implemented these practices in past projects.

2. Can you explain the concept of progressive enhancement and how it relates to HTML?

Progressive enhancement is a web design strategy that emphasizes core webpage content first, then progressively adds more nuanced and technically rigorous layers of presentation and features on top of the basic content.

In the context of HTML, this means:

  • Starting with a solid, well-structured HTML foundation that works for all users
  • Using semantic HTML elements to ensure content is accessible and meaningful even without CSS or JavaScript
  • Gradually adding CSS for styling and layout
  • Finally, incorporating JavaScript for enhanced interactivity and features

A strong answer should emphasize how this approach ensures basic content and functionality are available to all users, regardless of browser capabilities or network conditions. Look for candidates who can explain how this strategy improves accessibility, performance, and maintainability of web pages.

3. How would you create a responsive image gallery using HTML?

A good answer should include the following key points:

  • Using the <picture> element to provide multiple image sources for different screen sizes
  • Implementing the srcset attribute to offer different image resolutions
  • Utilizing CSS Grid or Flexbox for a responsive layout
  • Ensuring proper alt text for accessibility
  • Considering lazy loading for performance optimization

Look for candidates who can explain the benefits of each technique and how they contribute to a better user experience across devices. Ask follow-up questions about how they would handle image optimization or fallbacks for older browsers.

4. What are data attributes in HTML and how might you use them?

Data attributes are custom attributes that allow you to store extra information on HTML elements. They are prefixed with 'data-' and can be used to add custom data to your markup.

Some common uses for data attributes include:

  • Storing information for JavaScript to use (e.g., for dynamic content loading)
  • Providing hooks for CSS styling
  • Storing metadata about elements for various purposes

A strong candidate should be able to provide examples of how they've used data attributes in real projects. Look for answers that demonstrate an understanding of when to use data attributes versus other methods of storing information, and how they can enhance the functionality and maintainability of web applications.

5. How would you optimize the loading of web fonts in HTML?

Optimizing web font loading is crucial for improving page performance. A good answer should cover several strategies:

  • Using the font-display property in CSS to control how fonts are loaded and displayed
  • Implementing the preload link tag to prioritize critical font loading
  • Considering the use of font-face observer patterns for more granular control
  • Utilizing system fonts as fallbacks to prevent layout shifts
  • Potentially self-hosting fonts instead of relying on third-party services

Look for candidates who can explain the trade-offs between different approaches and demonstrate an understanding of how font loading impacts the overall user experience and page performance.

6. What is the purpose of the 'rel' attribute in link tags, and can you give some examples of its values?

The 'rel' attribute in link tags specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It's an important attribute for defining how resources are related to the page and how they should be treated.

Some common values for the 'rel' attribute include:

  • 'stylesheet' for linking CSS files
  • 'icon' for specifying favicon
  • 'preload' for indicating resources that should be loaded as soon as possible
  • 'canonical' for specifying the preferred URL for a page
  • 'nofollow' for links that shouldn't be followed by search engines

A strong answer should demonstrate understanding of how these values affect browser behavior, SEO, and resource loading. Look for candidates who can provide examples of when and why they would use specific 'rel' values in their projects.

7. How would you structure an HTML form for optimal accessibility?

Creating accessible forms is crucial for ensuring all users can interact with your website. A good answer should include several key points:

  • Using proper labeling with the <label> element, ensuring each form control has an associated label
  • Implementing fieldset and legend tags to group related form elements
  • Providing clear, descriptive error messages and form instructions
  • Using ARIA attributes where necessary to enhance accessibility
  • Ensuring logical tab order and keyboard navigation
  • Implementing proper form validation with clear feedback

Look for candidates who emphasize the importance of testing with screen readers and keyboard-only navigation. Ask follow-up questions about specific ARIA roles or attributes they might use in complex form scenarios.

8. Can you explain the concept of microdata in HTML and provide an example of how it might be used?

Microdata is a way to embed machine-readable data in HTML documents. It's used to provide additional semantic meaning to web content, which can be particularly useful for search engines and other automated tools.

A good answer should explain that microdata consists of name-value pairs defined by the vocabulary. An example might include:


John Doe

Web Developer

(123) 456-7890


Look for candidates who can explain the benefits of using microdata, such as improved SEO and the ability to create rich snippets in search results. Ask follow-up questions about other structured data formats like JSON-LD and how they might choose between different options.

9. How would you implement a custom video player using HTML5?

Implementing a custom video player with HTML5 involves using the <video> element along with JavaScript for controls. A good answer should cover:

  • Using the <video> tag with appropriate attributes (src, controls, autoplay, etc.)
  • Creating custom control elements (play/pause, volume, seek bar, etc.) using HTML and CSS
  • Implementing JavaScript to handle user interactions and control video playback
  • Considering accessibility features like captions and keyboard controls
  • Addressing cross-browser compatibility issues

Look for candidates who can discuss the challenges of video playback on different devices and browsers. Ask follow-up questions about how they would handle things like adaptive streaming or picture-in-picture functionality.

10. What are some best practices for creating printable web pages using HTML and CSS?

Creating printable web pages requires careful consideration of how content will appear on paper. A strong answer should include several key points:

  • Using a separate print stylesheet with @media print in CSS
  • Adjusting layouts for paper, removing unnecessary elements like navigation
  • Ensuring all important content is visible and not cut off
  • Using appropriate units (pt for fonts, cm or inches for margins)
  • Controlling page breaks with CSS properties like page-break-before and page-break-after
  • Providing links to printer-friendly versions of pages

Look for candidates who understand the differences between screen and print media. Ask follow-up questions about how they would handle complex layouts or dynamic content when printing.

10 HTML interview questions about semantic elements

10 HTML interview questions about semantic elements

To assess candidates' understanding of semantic elements in HTML, use these targeted questions to gauge their knowledge and skills. This list is particularly useful during technical interviews for roles like a web developer where clear and meaningful structure in code is essential.

  1. Why are semantic elements important in HTML, and how do they impact accessibility?
  2. Can you list some semantic HTML elements and explain their specific use cases?
  3. How do semantic elements enhance search engine optimization (SEO) for a webpage?
  4. What role do semantic elements play in improving the readability of HTML code?
  5. How would you explain the difference between a semantic element and a non-semantic element to a novice?
  6. Can you provide examples of how semantic elements can improve the user experience on a webpage?
  7. What semantic HTML elements would you use for a blog post layout, and why?
  8. How do semantic elements aid in the development of responsive web design?
  9. Can you discuss the impact of using semantic elements on website maintenance and scalability?
  10. How do you approach using semantic elements when working with frameworks or libraries?

8 HTML interview questions and answers related to accessibility

8 HTML interview questions and answers related to accessibility

To ensure your candidates can create accessible web pages that everyone can use, ask them some of these 8 HTML interview questions related to accessibility.

1. Why is accessibility important in web development?

Accessibility in web development ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and interact with the content. It promotes inclusivity and ensures compliance with legal standards and guidelines like the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Candidates should emphasize the ethical and legal reasons for making websites accessible. An ideal response would also mention the broader benefits, such as improved user experience and potentially reaching a wider audience.

2. What are some common accessibility issues in HTML and how can they be addressed?

Common accessibility issues in HTML include missing alt text for images, lack of proper heading structure, and insufficient color contrast. These can be addressed by ensuring that all images have descriptive alt text, using semantic HTML to structure content, and following color contrast guidelines.

Look for candidates who can identify specific issues and suggest practical solutions. Ideal responses should demonstrate an understanding of both the problems and how to address them effectively.

3. How would you ensure that a form is accessible to all users?

To make a form accessible, you should include labels for all form elements, use fieldsets and legends for grouping related fields, and ensure that error messages are clear and easy to understand. Additionally, the form should be navigable using a keyboard.

Candidates should mention the importance of labels and clear instructions. An ideal response would include examples of how to implement these elements to enhance accessibility.

4. Can you explain the role of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) in enhancing HTML accessibility?

ARIA provides a set of attributes that can be added to HTML elements to make web content and applications more accessible to people with disabilities. These attributes help bridge the gap when native HTML elements do not fully support accessibility needs.

Strong candidates will understand when and how to use ARIA attributes, and should emphasize that ARIA should complement, not replace, native HTML accessibility features.

5. How would you test a website for accessibility?

Testing a website for accessibility can involve both automated tools and manual testing. Automated tools like WAVE or AXE can help identify common issues, but manual testing, including keyboard navigation and screen reader testing, is crucial for a comprehensive evaluation.

Candidates should be familiar with a variety of testing methods and tools. Strong answers will highlight the importance of combining automated and manual testing for thorough accessibility checks.

6. What are some best practices for ensuring video content is accessible?

To ensure video content is accessible, provide captions and transcripts for all videos, and include audio descriptions for important visual information. Additionally, consider adding sign language interpretation where appropriate.

Look for candidates who understand the importance of multiple accessibility features for different types of disabilities. An ideal response will also show awareness of tools and techniques for implementing these features.

7. How would you make sure that a navigation menu is accessible?

An accessible navigation menu should be keyboard navigable, have a logical tab order, and include ARIA roles and properties to help screen readers understand the structure. Using semantic HTML elements like <nav> and <ul> is also important.

Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of both the technical and user experience aspects of accessible navigation. Strong answers will include specific strategies for implementing accessible menus.

8. What is the importance of using semantic HTML for accessibility?

Using semantic HTML helps screen readers and other assistive technologies understand the structure and meaning of web content. Elements like <header>, <article>, and <footer> provide context that enhances navigation and comprehension for users with disabilities.

Look for candidates who can explain the dual benefits of semantic HTML: improved accessibility and better SEO. Ideal responses will highlight the importance of meaningful markup and provide examples of its effective use.

5 situational HTML interview questions with answers for hiring top developers

5 situational HTML interview questions with answers for hiring top developers

Ready to find your next HTML wizard? These situational interview questions will help you identify top developers who can tackle real-world challenges. Use this list to gauge a candidate's problem-solving skills, best practices knowledge, and ability to explain complex concepts. Remember, the best HTML developers aren't just coders; they're creative problem-solvers who can bring your web projects to life.

1. How would you approach optimizing a webpage that's loading slowly due to large image files?

A strong candidate should outline a multi-step approach to this common issue:

  1. Analyze the current image sizes and formats
  2. Compress images without significant quality loss
  3. Consider using modern image formats like WebP
  4. Implement lazy loading for images below the fold
  5. Use responsive images with appropriate sizes for different devices
  6. Leverage browser caching for frequently used images
  7. Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster image delivery

Look for candidates who not only list these steps but can explain the reasoning behind each one. A great answer might also include mentions of tools they prefer for image optimization or how they would measure the impact of these changes on page load time.

2. Imagine you're working on a project and the client insists on using table-based layouts for their website. How would you handle this situation?

An ideal response should demonstrate diplomacy, education, and problem-solving skills:

  1. Acknowledge the client's preference and ask about their reasoning
  2. Explain the drawbacks of table-based layouts (accessibility issues, slower rendering, harder maintenance)
  3. Highlight the benefits of modern CSS-based layouts (responsiveness, easier maintenance, better SEO)
  4. Offer to create a prototype using both methods to demonstrate the differences
  5. If the client still insists, suggest a compromise of using tables only where absolutely necessary

Pay attention to how the candidate balances client relations with best practices. A strong answer will show they can educate clients tactfully while still being open to finding solutions that meet the client's needs.

3. You've been asked to create a form that collects sensitive user data. What HTML and general web development practices would you implement to ensure security?

A comprehensive answer should cover both HTML-specific and broader web security practices:

  1. Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit
  2. Implement proper input validation on both client and server side
  3. Use the 'autocomplete' attribute judiciously, especially for sensitive fields
  4. Utilize the 'pattern' attribute for form fields to enforce input formats
  5. Implement CSRF tokens to prevent cross-site request forgery
  6. Use the 'required' attribute for essential fields
  7. Implement proper error handling without revealing sensitive information
  8. Consider using Content Security Policy (CSP) headers

Look for candidates who not only list these practices but can explain why each is important. A standout answer might also mention the importance of regular security audits and staying updated on the latest web security threats and mitigations.

4. How would you create a responsive navigation menu that works well on both desktop and mobile devices?

A strong answer should outline a step-by-step approach:

  1. Start with a semantic HTML structure using nav and ul/li elements
  2. Use CSS media queries to define different styles for various screen sizes
  3. Implement a 'hamburger' menu icon for mobile views
  4. Use JavaScript to toggle the menu visibility on mobile
  5. Consider using CSS Flexbox or Grid for layout flexibility
  6. Ensure the menu is keyboard accessible for users who don't use a mouse
  7. Test the menu across different devices and browsers

Look for candidates who emphasize the importance of responsive design and accessibility. A great answer might also mention specific techniques like 'mobile-first' design or discuss how they would handle very large menus with multiple levels.

5. A client wants to embed a third-party widget on their website, but you notice it's slowing down the page load significantly. How would you address this?

An effective answer should demonstrate problem-solving skills and performance optimization knowledge:

  1. Analyze the widget's impact using browser developer tools
  2. Consider lazy loading the widget after the main content has loaded
  3. Investigate if the widget can be loaded asynchronously
  4. Discuss with the client about the widget's importance and possible alternatives
  5. If keeping the widget, optimize other parts of the page to compensate
  6. Consider hosting the widget locally if possible, to have more control over its loading

Pay attention to how the candidate balances technical solutions with client communication. A strong answer might also include suggestions for monitoring page performance over time or discussing the trade-offs between functionality and speed with the client.

Which HTML skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?

While a single interview may not reveal everything about a candidate, focusing on core HTML skills is imperative to assess their ability to perform the job effectively. The following skills are central to a candidate's performance and can significantly impact their overall competence in a HTML-focused role.

Which HTML skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?

Understanding of Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML is vital for ensuring web pages are accessible and meaningful to both users and search engines. It involves using HTML elements correctly to convey the structure and presentation of content, which is key to SEO and accessibility.

To assess a candidate's grasp of semantic HTML, consider using multiple-choice questions that challenge their ability to correctly apply elements like <article>, <section>, and <header>. Our HTML/CSS online test could serve as an effective preliminary filter.

Additionally, posing targeted interview questions can provide deeper insight into their practical knowledge. Here’s one question to consider:

Can you explain the difference between <div> and <section> tags, and give an example of when to use each?

Listen for responses that demonstrate a clear understanding of the semantic differences and appropriate use cases. The candidate should articulate when each tag is used to structure content logically and accessibly.

CSS Integration with HTML

Proficiency in integrating CSS with HTML is key to creating visually appealing and functional websites. This skill ensures that a developer can effectively style elements in a way that matches design specifications.

Evaluate this skill through questions that explore different CSS selectors, box models, or responsive design techniques. Our HTML/CSS online test includes relevant questions to help identify candidates proficient in CSS.

To delve deeper during the interview, consider asking:

How would you apply CSS styles to an HTML element with multiple classes without affecting other elements?

Look for answers that showcase a nuanced understanding of CSS specificity and the ability to target HTML elements precisely without unintended consequences.

Accessibility Considerations

Accessibility is critical in web development, ensuring that websites are usable by people with various disabilities. This not only broadens the audience but also complies with legal standards.

Questions about ARIA roles, keyboard navigability, and semantic HTML can test this knowledge. Our HTML/CSS online test can initially screen candidates on these topics.

During the interview, assess their practical application knowledge with questions like:

How would you modify an existing website to improve its accessibility score?

Effective responses should include specific strategies such as using semantic elements, ensuring color contrast ratios meet WCAG guidelines, and implementing keyboard navigation.

Streamline Your Hiring Process with HTML Skills Tests and Targeted Interview Questions

If you're looking to hire someone with HTML skills, it's important to verify their expertise accurately. Ensuring candidates possess the right skills from the start can significantly streamline your hiring process.

The best way to assess a candidate's HTML capabilities is through structured skills tests. Consider using Adaface's HTML and CSS Online Test or our JavaScript HTML Test to evaluate their practical and theoretical knowledge efficiently.

After administering these tests, you can effectively shortlist the top candidates. This allows you to focus your interview efforts on individuals who have already demonstrated a strong grasp of HTML fundamentals and advanced concepts.

For your next steps, you can direct qualified candidates to sign up and proceed through your hiring funnel. Visit our Signup Page to get started, or learn more about our offerings on the Adaface Assessment Platform.

HTML/ CSS Online Test

25 mins | 15 MCQs
The HTML/ CSS test evaluates a candidate's ability to create web pages and style them using CSS. Using scenario-based MCQ questions, it evaluates knowledge of HTML (DOM, tags, forms, tables etc.) and critical CSS concepts (box model, positioning, styling, Flexbox, Grid etc.) and the ability to build responsive layouts. The test also includes simple coding questions to evaluate hands-on programming knowledge.
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HTML Interview Questions FAQs

What types of HTML questions are covered in this post?

This post covers general HTML questions, junior and mid-tier developer questions, semantic elements, accessibility, and situational questions for top developers.

How many questions are provided for junior developers?

The post includes 12 HTML interview questions specifically tailored for junior developers.

Are there questions about HTML accessibility?

Yes, the post features 8 HTML interview questions and answers related to accessibility.

How can these questions improve the hiring process?

These questions can help streamline the hiring process by allowing interviewers to assess HTML skills accurately across different experience levels.

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