IBM DB2 Intermediate Interview Questions
  1. What are the different types of locks in DB2 and why are they important?
  2. Can you explain the concept of Bufferpool in DB2?
  3. What is the purpose of the RUNSTATS utility in DB2?
  4. What is the purpose of the REORG utility in DB2?
  5. What is a stored procedure in DB2 and what are its advantages?
  6. What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN in DB2?
  7. How can you create a stored procedure in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  8. How can you handle exceptions in DB2 stored procedures? Can you provide an example?
  9. How can you create an index in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  10. How can you implement pagination in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  11. How can you update data in a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  12. How can you create a view in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  13. How can you delete data from a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  14. How can you insert multiple rows into a table in a single SQL statement in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  15. How can you rename a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  16. How can you handle errors in a stored procedure in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  17. How can you create an index on a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  18. How can you create a sequence in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  19. How can you update data in a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  20. How can you delete data from a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  21. How can you copy data from one table to another in DB2? Can you provide an example?
  22. How can you rename a column in a table in DB2? Can you provide an example?
IBM DB2 Advanced Interview Questions
  1. Can you explain the concept of isolation levels in DB2 and why they are important?
  2. Can you explain the concept of a deadlock in DB2 and how it can be resolved?
  3. Can you explain the difference between a clustered and non-clustered index in DB2?
  4. Can you explain the concept of a materialized query table (MQT) in DB2 and its benefits?
  5. Can you explain the concept of a trigger in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  6. Can you explain the concept of a federated database system in DB2 and its benefits?
  7. Can you explain the concept of partitioning in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  8. Can you explain the concept of a sequence in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  9. Can you explain the concept of a tablespace in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  10. Can you explain the concept of a deadlock in DB2 and how it can be avoided?
  11. Can you explain the concept of isolation levels in DB2 and how they affect concurrency control?
  12. Can you explain the concept of a materialized query table (MQT) in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  13. Can you explain the concept of a trigger in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  14. Can you explain the concept of a join in DB2 and provide examples of different types of joins?
  15. Can you explain the concept of a federated database system in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  16. Can you explain the concept of a recursive SQL query in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  17. Can you explain the concept of a table partitioning in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  18. Can you explain the concept of a materialized query table (MQT) in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  19. Can you explain the concept of a view in DB2 and provide an example of its use?
  20. Can you explain the concept of a Buffer Pool in DB2 and why it's important?