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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion resources to improve diversity & inclusion at your workplace so that employees feel more connected at the workplace which will help them work harder & produce better quality work.

Our best articles on Diversity and Inclusion

We handpicked these from the 160+ posts on the blog.

Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Statistics

The topic of Diversity and Inclusion has created quite a buzz in the past few years. Let us take a look at the top diversity in the workplace statistics:

A Guide To Promoting Cognitive Diversity Scenarios In The Workplace

Cognitive diversity benefits organizations on many levels, including operational processes and workforce functioning. So, how can you promote it?

Ageism in the Workplace

Age discrimination in the workplace has become a greater issue. It is rarely blatant but many employers send subtle messages to older workers that they are not wanted.

Age Diversity In The Workplace: A Quick Guide

This article discusses what age diversity in the workplace looks like, its benefits and challenges, and the top tips to promote it.

Unconscious Bias In Hiring: How To Reduce Bias In The Hiring Process

Companies must actively rethink every step of the hiring funnel to remove potential biases and make adjustments as required. Here is how they can:

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